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Tierra's Fan Service: No Strings on Me (Gimmick Dolls)

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After playing with, and deeply enjoying Train Dolls, it has made be very aware of how stupid the El Shaddolls are when it comes to making high level Xyz. So, in honour of that fact, I have combined Shaddolls with my favourite archetype to create a deck that would make IV shed a tear of fan service. (NOTE: Don't always expect to win with this deck. Do however expect to win hilariously.)


.:Monsters 21:.

Gimmick Puppet Dreary Doll x2 (Essential to the Rank 8 experience)

Shaddoll Beast x2

Shaddoll Dragon x2

Shaddol Squamata x2

Gimmick Puppet Egg Head x2

Entermage Trick Clown x2 (He works, just trust me on that. That float has saved my ass many times. The alternative is Yuki Usagi)

Gimmick Puppet Scissor Hand x3 (You can replace it with Armageddon Knight, but it's also fodder for Dreary Doll, which is key here)

Shaddoll Hedgehog x2

Shaddoll Falco x2

Gimmick Puppet Gear Changer x2


.:Spells 15:.

Galaxy Cyclone x1

Raigeki x1

Shaddoll Fusion x3

Junk Puppet x2

Foolish Burial x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

El Shaddoll Fusion x1

Book of Moon x1

Neph-Shaddoll Fusion x1

Wonder Wand x2


.:Traps 4:.

Sinister Shadow Games x1

Jar of Avarice x1

Shaddoll Core x2


.:Extra Deck:.

El Shaddoll Shekhinaga x1

El Shaddoll Anomalilith x1

El Shaddoll Construct x3

El Shaddoll Winda x2

Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings x2

Number 15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder x2

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon x1

Entermage Trapeze Magician x1

Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer x1

Evilswarm Exciton Knight x1 (I don't care what anyone says, I still think he's useful)


The general idea of the deck is to use the Shaddoll's inherent ability to screw with your opponent and generate advantage to fuel your ability to create Rank 8s using Construct and Dreary Doll. As the detach will net you back your Fusions. This deck works ideally best when facing an Extra heavy opponent. It won't work all the time, but it really can deliver when it needs too.


Also, I know there's Argent Chaos Force. It's just that Extra Deck space is really bloody tight as is.

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