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Number 86

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No tricklown/Seraph engine?

No Herioc Thousand Blade?


In for what though? Since even if I put it in I'd only have 6 Heroics in the deck I don't think I'd get much from it.

No Mind Crush? *shot*

-2 Dark Hole
-2 Air Force
-2 Roar

+1 Ring of Destruction
+1 Xyz Reborn (Why not?)

He's not running Seraphs/Clowns cause they don't Rhongobongo obviously.


I keep forgetting Ring of Destruction is there now. I like having Roar since it can stop OTKs and is easier use than Mirror Force/Air Force/whichever since it doesn't need to stay on the field. Will take the 2 Air Forces out for the Mind Crushes but think I'm going to leave Dark Hole because I like having 3 board wipes there for situations that require it, and it can also be Infinity/Quasar bait.

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