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I usually run one Raidraptor - Readiness just in case if my opponent try to OTK me


Not really sure if you should run Raidraptor – Return, I mean the effect is not that great, if you want dump this card (with the effect of Tribute Lanius)  you're probably better off dumping Mimicry.


No Blackwing – Zephros the Elite?


Swallow's Nest and Icarus Attack?

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I usually run one Raidraptor - Readiness just in case if my opponent try to OTK me
Not really sure if you should run Raidraptor – Return, I mean the effect is not that great, if you want dump this card (with the effect of Tribute Lanius)  you're probably better off dumping Mimicry.
No Blackwing – Zephros the Elite?
Swallow's Nest and Icarus Attack?

Zephyros is ok but I don't really like him that much...
Swallows nest isn't that great.
Icarus attack can go in tho. Forgot about that.
Readiness is eh... Not sure on that really.
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Swallow's Nest is essentially an honorary RR / Forbidden Lance. You could easily play it in response to a Ring of Destruction, Bottomless, Compulsory, etc. and it opens up every single Raidraptor in the deck (ex. Tribute into Vanishing). I would personally play Nest.
Monk > Goldfish
-3 Tin Goldfish
-1 Call of the Haunted
-1 Solemn Warning
-1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
+2 Summoner Monk
+2 Swallow's Nest
+1 Icarus Attack
+1 Ring of Destruction
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Swallow's Nest is essentially an honorary RR / Forbidden Lance. You could easily play it in response to a Ring of Destruction, Bottomless, Compulsory, etc. and it opens up every single Raidraptor in the deck (ex. Tribute into Vanishing). I would personally play Nest.
-1 Call of the Haunted
-1 Solemn Warning
-1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
+2 Swallow's Nest
+1 Ring of Destruction

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Return isn't that useful, and Gust is a bit cloggy.
I'd drop the 3 Goldfish for 2 Monks and another Singing.
When you get going, those Singings are a lifesaver.
Also, see if you can swap a Rank 4 for a Rise Falcon. I've found that just having one can really help if you are getting overrun.

I prefer Goldfish over monk since goldfish doesnt get rid of useful cards in your hand like Nest.

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Monk still has the benefit of summoning RR from your Deck, which is generally better than depending on having the right RR in your hand.

Lack of traps is somewhat bad in Raidraptors, IMO. Swap out MST into side for some backrow like Fiendish Chain?

Also, I feel like Impale should go to 3 than Singing to 2. You can only summon 1 Singing per turn anyways via its effect, and you can always fetch it with Nest. Impale has more use in the mid-late game, which is where RR lose steam.

Lastly, this is just my personal experience, but Noden is not worth the 3 MD and 2 ED slots. I would swap them out.

-3 Goldfish (Optional)
-3 Instant Fusion (Optional)
-3 MST
-1 Singing Lanius

+3 Mirror Force (Optional)
+2 Summoner Monk (Optional)
+2 Fiendish
+1 Impale
+1 Raigeki (Optional)
+1 Book of Moon

-2 Noden (Optional)
-1 Exciton (Deck gets way too many pluses)
-1 101 (Castel is enough.)

+1 Dweller
+1 Emeral (You lose targets really fast.)
+1 Adreus (Optional)
+1 Shark Fortress (Optional)

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