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Menu Background for a Pokemon DVD


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I have been lately downloading movies and burning them into DVD's. as i want them to look cool they need to have menus. and the menu needs a background. so here is what i have in my mind:


[spoiler=menu BG]pokemon-teh-moviescopy.png




so, how's it? how can i improve it?

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I have been lately downloading movies and burning them into DVD's. as i want them to look cool they need to have menus. and the menu needs a background. so here is what i have in my mind:


[spoiler=menu BG]pokemon-teh-moviescopy.png




so' date=' how's it? how can i improve it?



It looks like you brush whored.




brush whored???

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I have been lately downloading movies and burning them into DVD's. as i want them to look cool they need to have menus. and the menu needs a background. so here is what i have in my mind:


[spoiler=menu BG]pokemon-teh-moviescopy.png




so' date=' how's it? how can i improve it?



It looks like you brush whored.




brush whored???


Same brush over and over. It looks bad.

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