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Here is my first RP! Basicly, anyone can join up to 5 people. You start off as a level 1, and gradually increase in level as the game progresses. The main story is that you are in a city on your own, which has been over - run with a huge horde about 100,000 zombies. You have no weapons, no armour and no supplies.You have to defeat the horde, and most of all, survive! You find a deck of blank cards by some deceased kid. You keep them in your pocket for later. Suddenly, a zombie comes up to you and attempts to bite you. You pick up a steel bar and knock his head off with it. You are horrified to see that the zombie which you slayed, is now on one of the deck of cards. You can now use him as if he were a monster! Here are the rules:


No spamming

I will post a subscription form

No trolling

No cheating

I will invite some people


Here is the form









Now for the battle system. I will post a zombie eg:


Zombie man


ATK - 100

DEF - 0

Effect - When this zombie is destroyed, lose 100 life points.


Now, you all start off with an ATK of 200. For every zombie you obtain, you gain 100 ATK. You can summon a zombie at the cost of 100 mana points. Here is the ATK, DEF and MANA table!


ATK= level of you X 100

DEF = level of you X 200

Mana = level of you X 100


When a zombie hits you, take of lp equal to his attack. I will play as the Zombies, while everyone else plays as the heroes. Join up soon! Ask if you are confused

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Name: Dean


Appearance: i2rqit.jpg

Skills: Good with all hand help wepons (nifes, katana ,mactie, ect....) and good at hunting

Background: From a small town in florida sends most of his times in the woods hunting

Personality: dark and some one who hate zombies

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Buffer' date=' you only have to describe what the character looks like.


Skills, eg, He is good at hunting, is always making things and an ace with guns.


Background is like his history



I know but I got a good pic



oh ok



I see




also I edited my first post

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Jacob Anderton

18 years old

everything is black

he has the abillity to teleport himself and his friends


he was a little boy with tones of friends till the zombies came so he learnt special powers and now helps others at night


doesnt smile, never talks to anyone

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ikatsui karite

age: 15

wheirs jeans, black vest, black overcoat with hood, hair color blonde color of eyes blue


he had almost no friends most people where even scared of him because of his power to control fire his powers arent on full power yet. but with every battle he gets stronger and stronger

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