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MLD in response to posible game loss


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The story goes more or less like this:
We are in a 5-MAN EDH game, the Decks in this game are: Ezuri, Sharuum, Skullbriar, Uril and me playing Intet
We are at turn 4 where most of us where barely playing Spells or just getting our mana bases ready for later turns.
With the Help of some ramp provided via Exploration the Ezuri Player got a Immaculate Magistrate + Joraga Warcaller with 10 Counters on it, and attacked the Sharrum player getting him at 3 Lifes.
Sharuum player was annoyed and blamed us for not doing anything to stop that (Which most of us couldn't has we were tapped out.
The next turn was the Sharuum dude Playing Armaggedon and passing the turn. We were in shock most of us thought he was simply gonna WoG or something to reset the field but didn't excpect MLD at that point as he basically made us lose to the Ezuri Deck as we couldn't do much from then on. 
The thing that concerned me was, was this just a one time thing that he did in spite of what happenened to him? Was it right to take that "You fall with me" attitude just becuase we were unable to stop the ezuri deck in time?
How we as a group should take this kind of attitudes...


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EDH games make people really salty sometimes. Then they make questionable plays that only make the game worse. If that behavior continues, pull him aside and talk to him about it. Remember EDH is a social format first and foremost. Leave the tryharding for french EDH.

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