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Absolute Defense!

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So I was asked to post a deck I used in a tournament, so here it is. Let me say though, this is not my ideal version of this deck, but the cards I have in real life.

The real strength of this deck is that no one expects it, especially going in blind, like a tournament.

Yes, there are weaknessess

So yeah. Here it is.



Stardust Xiaolong x1

Battle Fader x2

Mask of Darkness x3

Destiny Hero-Defender x3

Obnoxious Celtic Guard x2

Big Shield Gardna x3

Performapal Turn Toad x3

Construction Train Signal Red x2

Artifact Labrys x2

Artifact Beagalltach x1

Artifact Lancea x1

Artifact Aegis x1

Gagaga Gardna x1

Total Defense Shogun x3



Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Vengeful Bog Spirit x1

Raigeki x1

Swords of Revealing Light x2



Staunch Defender x1

D2 Shield x2

Dust Tornado x1

Waboku x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Zero Gravity x3

Solemn Warning x1 

Punch-in-the-Box x1 

Appropriate x2

Inverse Universe x3

Mirror Force x2

Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell x1

Magical Cylinder x1

Windstorm of Etaqua x1



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That's... very scattered. I get the general idea of the Deck, but I feel that there are several things that can be safely removed.


We're looking at a staggering 55-card count, with very few means to thin the Deck. Let's see what can be dropped:

  • Most of the Artifacts (excluding Lancea) - They tend to work their best with others of their kind, and since only about 10% of your Deck would be those, they don't offer very good synergy. Lancea is an exception as it can still function as tech in your hand or field, but at best, put it in the Sideboard.
  • Windstorm of Etaqua - It gets put at odds with Zero Gravity a lot, to be honest. I would go for 2 copies of Zero Grav and just drop the Windstorm.
  • Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell - You have very few Spells in your Deck, so the odds of being able to successfully activate this card is very, very small.
  • Appropriate - It synergizes with Destiny HERO Defender, yes, but not with any other cards you have available. At inopportune times it becomes dead weight.
  • Magic Cylinder - It's a lot more efficient to get rid of the offending monster. The burn is only efficient if you're ending the game with it. But unless you actually get Inverse Universe or Turntoad down and can go on the offensive, the opponent is unlikely to be on the verge of death.
  • Stardust Xiaolong - If it's just a wall to hide behind, you're better off with something like Spirit Reaper or Marshmallon.
  • Waboku - Again, it's a lot more efficient to get rid of attacking monsters. You have 2 Mirror Force, they do the job well enough.

With that, we've removed 11 cards, dropped the Deck size down to about 44. There's still room for improvement, but at least reducing the size by 20% is a large step in improving consistency.

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That's... very scattered. I get the general idea of the Deck, but I feel that there are several things that can be safely removed.
We're looking at a staggering 55-card count, with very few means to thin the Deck. Let's see what can be dropped:

  • Most of the Artifacts (excluding Lancea) - They tend to work their best with others of their kind, and since only about 10% of your Deck would be those, they don't offer very good synergy. Lancea is an exception as it can still function as tech in your hand or field, but at best, put it in the Sideboard.
  • Windstorm of Etaqua - It gets put at odds with Zero Gravity a lot, to be honest. I would go for 2 copies of Zero Grav and just drop the Windstorm.
  • Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell - You have very few Spells in your Deck, so the odds of being able to successfully activate this card is very, very small.
  • Appropriate - It synergizes with Destiny HERO Defender, yes, but not with any other cards you have available. At inopportune times it becomes dead weight.
  • Magic Cylinder - It's a lot more efficient to get rid of the offending monster. The burn is only efficient if you're ending the game with it. But unless you actually get Inverse Universe or Turntoad down and can go on the offensive, the opponent is unlikely to be on the verge of death.
  • Stardust Xiaolong - If it's just a wall to hide behind, you're better off with something like Spirit Reaper or Marshmallon.
  • Waboku - Again, it's a lot more efficient to get rid of attacking monsters. You have 2 Mirror Force, they do the job well enough.
With that, we've removed 11 cards, dropped the Deck size down to about 44. There's still room for improvement, but at least reducing the size by 20% is a large step in improving consistency.

So, the main idea of the deck is defense, obviously, but do you think it'd be a good idea to add some attack Synchros and Xzys in it?
Because I think Colossal Fighter would be good in this deck.
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