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Anybody play the Digimon World Games?


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So i've been playing Digimon World DS and Dusk again recently (nostalgia got to me so i started playing) and i've been wondering if anyone else really liked or played these as much as I did.


It doesn't have to be Dawn and Dusk (or DS) but those are ones i've played personally. I'm just waiting for that Lost Evolution english patch to be finished after all these years .-. and maybe even Super Xros Wars.

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I never played 2, but 3 was f***ing awesome.

1 was one I played a lot as a kid, but it's super tedious.

Dusk/Dawn are okay, 4 was bleh.

I heard about 3 being amazing. I might actually play that sometime hehe :p.

What happened with 4 that made it so bad exactly?

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Digimon WOrld 1 is the most hardcore difficult thing to beat on the PS1. How was that ever marketed to children? I LOVED IT!




3, was... good. I liked it.


4, stupid.


DS, meh but it's like they didn't know what they were doing.


Dawn and Dusk, Cool, really a medium good game for Digimon. 6.5/10, would not complain. 

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I played 2 when I was really young, and I don't really remember anything from it. It had 3 on 3 battles, I think?


I played 4 when I was still young but enough that I remember loving it. It seems terribly hard to play alone, or maybe that's just me?


DS has a meh story but I really liked the farm system. Dawn and Dusk was better but I didn't like the farm system anywhere near as much.


Hoping Cyber Sleuth gets translated.

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I played 3!  And 3 is amazing.


Sadly i didn't have the pal version so i couldn't get the full experience...and i'm no good with roms so i still can't complete it fully to this day -3-


I have played 4, and its dumb...you play as a rookie the entire game!  And its not even an RPG it feels like an arcade game.


I've played dusk, but i prefere World Championship on the DS 

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Yeah I dont think there is a game where you cant digivolve

Well it was lame anyways, the qualifications for digivolving were ridiculous, and you could only go from rookie to mega....not a very fun way to do it, it felt like there was no player progression

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