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Soul Cutter


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A monster that changes the opponent's monsters to Defense Position, as well as boosting its ATK when it battles Defense Position monsters.


Once per turn: You can banish any number of monsters from your Graveyard, then target the same number of Attack Position monsters on the field; change their battle position. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, it gains 500 ATK during damage calculation only.

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I don't agree, it would be WAY more powerful that way, since your opponent would basically be unable to attack for the most part.

They can't attack... as long as you control this monster and have monster in your graveyard that you don't mind giving up. The grave is a resource, and this is not the best way to use it.

As is, the card hardly does anything.
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They can't attack... as long as you control this monster and have monster in your graveyard that you don't mind giving up. The grave is a resource, and this is not the best way to use it.

As is, the card hardly does anything.

It may be, but for the most part, your opponent will only have 1-2 monsters on board at the same time, and since most Decks can get a lot of monsters in the Graveyard pretty easily, that is not a huge concern. The most problematic thing with having it by a Quick Effect is that other monsters your control become much harder to get rid of.

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It runs over anything your opponent can muster with a DEF less than 2100. That's not very much in itself, but it also can shunt your monsters to Defense too (which isn't that relevant, but definitely something to note). Gear Gigant can fetch it, so there's that.


If it were quick, it does that while being a T-Roar of sorts after the earlygame, depending on how well you've filled your Grave. Unlike T-Roar, this doesn't leave the field; with enough fodder to banish and if your opponent can't get rid of this via effect, it can very well be two T-Roars in one card. Also, you can chain this to a card that is going to kill it, which in some cases will prevent it from attacking that turn because it was Summoned and can't just go back to Attack.


If the current version turns out to be too weak, then how about a quick-play effect that only changes the battle position of one monster? I'm not sure how much you wanted it to be able to change multiple monsters' positions, but it lets you shield yourself from one attack, while still being a 2100 against walls (that can shift monsters to Defense), without possibly being T-Roar if your opponent can't kill it via effect.

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I think the current version is a solid card in and of itself. A lot of boards are made much easier to clear by flipping monsters to Defense Mode, and it also allows the turn player some freedom to allocate resources to clear backrows instead.

Searchable by Gear Gigant indeed.

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