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UFOroid Slama

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Another deck for fun that I just kinda threw together... On a random note, I have been looking for my Yata that I lost somewhere.. really wish I knew where it was.


Monsters: 17

[3]Gate Guardian


[2]Cyber Dragon

[3]Cyber Phoenix

[2]The Light- Hex-Sealed Fusion



[1]Snipe Hunter



Spells: 18

[3]Power Bond

[2]Enemy Controller

[2]Shrink (filler)

[1]Polymerization (backup plan.. since this is really inconsistent)

[1]Limiter Removal

[1]Mystical Space Typhoon

[1]Giant Trunade

[1]Heavy Storm


[1]Smashing Ground

[1]Lightning Vortex

[1]Monster Reborn

[1]Premature Burial

[1]Card Destruction


Traps: 5

[3]Dust Tornado

[1]Torrential Tribute

[1]Mirror Force


Fusion Deck:

[3]UFOroid Fighter

[3]Cyber Twin Dragon

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Kill Poly for Future Fusion. And I don't get the point of this... you have no UFOroid fighters.

If I FF'd my guys' date=' I'd probably lose the summon and have wasted 2 cards I could have drawn into.


Also, it's implied that I'm using UFOroid Fighter.



K, just a suggestion. And I guess I have to [sarcasm][/sarcasm] it next time

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Kill Poly for Future Fusion. And I don't get the point of this... you have no UFOroid fighters.

If I FF'd my guys' date=' I'd probably lose the summon and have wasted 2 cards I could have drawn into.


Also, it's implied that I'm using UFOroid Fighter.



K, just a suggestion. And I guess I have to [sarcasm][/sarcasm] it next time

I once tried using a deck like this in YVD, and as I explained for Poly, the deck is really inconsistent. If I didn't add in Cyber Twin, I would probably never get anything on the field.

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