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[Grezar] Series 9 Booster Pack


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I believe I've seen you around in this section (or Tutorials) a few months ago or something.


But anyway, everything looks pretty clean on it; if I didn't keep up with boosters, I'd probably think this was actually legitimate.

Reminds me of some of the old booster legends in this section from days past.


Just as a quick question, what font are you using for the pack name?

Myself and another member found a few that looked very close to the official stuff. but what did you find?



I should also note that member is also using your templates (with credit); just so you know.

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Yeah, I'm the one who posted that Deck Box and Pendulum Scales that you liked. xD


I remember the days of E-Hero Kyle and Cia and their Boosters. Being compared to them makes me feel ~awesome~... so thanks! ^^

The font I'm using is the Xirod. The same font that you're using.


They are? *0*
That's cool!!
Which ones?

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I figured it's Xirod; probably looked different on yours than it does on mine (but likely since I used different font effects). 

Probably is the one Konami's using on theirs also, but with some minor differences.


And basically, I think most of your Series 8 and earlier stuff.

They don't have access to Series 9 yet.



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I tried to "doppel" the effect Konami is using, and I'm very satisfied with the result. xD
Instead of just 2 colors, I use 5~6 colors on pattern, a dark gray outline and outer emboss.


Ah yeah, this guy is my friend. He have full permission work with my "old" Booster template. But I made a mistake. I forgot to ask Paradox' permission if other user could use his Series 8 Tech Circle/Background. ><


I'm still finishing this template, and since I had to remake it, I could update the other Series too (this includes Series 3 and 4.)

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