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YCM GPT Match W-7

Flash Flyer - Sakura

For the record, both titles are true. Striker runs the Leaderboard, and I still run CC as the co-lead alongside Zex.   

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Psychic dragon Signer who subjugates CC vs water duck who controls the Leaderboard

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Well, you get to see another CC match; except it isn't me on Zextra this time.

Yeah, it's me vs Striker now.


(And for the record, both of us did run CC together for a couple months until that incident happened.)



Golduck has a fan Mega, just so it's fair on Striker while I use the 5Ds Latias that's been linked to me for the majority of these tournaments.

Anyway, match ends 4/29 @ 9 pm HST

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3-0 me.


And yeah, pretty obvious where my vote went off to.

I'm rather neutral on Golduck, but member-wise, I do like Striker.


That being said, I enjoyed working with him in CC, but then it got cut short due to that one incident.

Although with that in mind, I wouldn't mind having him back on the force, provided he helps in other areas outside 1v1s. (And of course, the drama from then needs to be completely dead)



Again, YMB in Pokemon form.

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If I had used the regular Dream World art for Golduck, it'd look more pleasant, yes.

But then, we'd get people like Dae and some others who complain about favoritism (even though this counts as a special match, and not in the general ones).


If anything, more/less to keep the playing field even [just so we're clear, Latias still has the same powers as her original form; just that she has the 5Ds logo on her outfit].


Although, duck-related Pokes are rather low (unless you want to add Ducklett or something).



It's not actually Striker, but just the Poke that'll represent him for this match.

So far, it's tied.

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Much like the last W-match, I forgot that it terminated today, but ending this properly.


Up until now, the match had been tied; but one of Golduck's supporters dropped out, leaving this as a 4-3 win for the Eon dragon. (Not going to ask why it happened)

Or in short, Latias won and got a bit of salvation after being forced to fight a Poke that served her as a comrade.


In YCM terms, I won if only by a marginal 1 vote.



Also, I still stand by my decision to welcome Striker back to the CC team once all of the drama from last time dies down, and he shows that he's capable of managing outside 1v1.

Leaderboard, he's doing fine but lately 1v1s have been dead (although it's finals time, so that's to be expected).

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