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I realize this has been done to death but Tellarseraphs!


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[spoiler=Deck List]

2x Honest (Count the amount of LIGHT monsters and tell me this isn't a good idea)

3x Altair (has gotten me so many Triverrs and Ouroboross)

3x Deneb (searching searching searching)

2x Unukalhai (sets up for altair, decent ATK)

3x Vega (this into altair is a blessing)

3x Star Seraph Scales (recylces LIGHT monsters, gets draws when used as a mat)

3x Star Seraph Scepter (searches for sovereignty, popswhen used as mat)

3x Star Seraph Sovereignty (star seraph kage, can get out scepter or scales in best case, worst I draw)


3x MST (take a guess)


RotA (searches for any tellar i need)



2x CotH (gets off tellars and, if needed, seraphs, recyclable with triv)


Fiendish Chain (effect negation is great, recyclable with triv)

3x Mirror Force

Ring of Destruction (rids me of problems early-mid game)

Solemn Warning


2x Daigusto Emeral (Recylces stuff, draws)

2x Evilswarm Ouroboros (highest ATK 3-mat Rank 4, nice control)

3x Star Seraph Sentry (Nice ATK w/ eff, also stops effs)

2x Burner Visor (Direct attacks are always nice)

3x Delteros (no effs on summoning is nice, free pop always good)

3x Triverr (returning to hand good, recycles cont. traps)



So, did I do a good? 

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-Get rid of all of the 102 (well you can keep one if you really like using it)

-Number 58 is useless, get rid of it ASAP

-Lower the number of Triverr and Delteros to two


So can you can have more space to use like that...

-Number 101

-Number 103

-Number 82

-Gagaga Cowboy

-Blade Armor Ninja

-Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

-Heroic Champion - Gandiva

-Starliege Paladynamo

-Ptolemaeus (so then you can run Infinity)

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