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Cyber Dragon Infinity is so fair. :(

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I'd like to point out another Ptolemaius issue. OCG-wise.


Although people aren't exactly utilizing it, because of "lolinfinity", Ptolemaius can also make Outer God Azathoth, which on summon locks out your opponents monster effects for the turn, which can usually also signify game, since that one turn of lockdown can be absolutely devastating. It's nowhere near as much of a problem as Infinity is, but it's also noteworthy due to the vast access of it through R4 decks, effectively making it a budget "Majesty's Fiend".

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Everything about that statement is wrong.


Firstlt, Ptolemaus is part of CROS' main set. This is part of its Japanese World Premieres. Meaning they appeared at the same time.


And Ptolemaus was revealed a few weeks before this thing's existence was known, beyond the rumor of a Chaos Xyz Change for Cydra Infinity.


Secondly, not all decks that R4 can run this. A good deal can, but not all of them by any means.


This card is the problem with Ptolemaus, not vice-versa. Considering that it's not like this is exclusively made with Ptolemaus (if you recall, Chronomaly can make this easy as piss), this is the issue. It gives Ptolemaus far too much power, but that's not her fault. She has a lot of fair interactions liek turning into a Zenmaioh. Are they generally good interactions? Nah, but they're definitely fair and fine.


This card's the abomination, if either.




SHARKS can run this if you really tried. Let that sink in.

If something as specific as SHARKS that tend to go for either rank 4-5 WATER Xyzs (and most of the level 4 sharks have that "can only be used for water xyz monster" clause). The card's fucking stupid.

Also not directed at the guy i quoted but i hate people that say "hurrdurrthiscardain'tcheapcuzyouhave*insert card you won't ALWAYS have here*. If this gets made against you turn 1 you might as well scoop unless you have an answer in your opening hand.

Doesn't help when you throw backrow into the mix either.

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That image I made for Blind, I swear, is now like his new favorite image of the interwebz.
Not likely, but you know...


If your up against Cyber Dragons, you should always expect this card.
If your up against anything else, you shouldn't really worry too much.

Plus, Infinity is only really THAT gamebreaking(if you would consider it) if the opponent play it out of thin air.
Like if they were some dumbass who did Monk into Wolfbark and then made Infinity off that, sure, you might be concerned, but even then.

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Even without considering Shittellarknights and Ign(oble)knights, I can assure you that playing Infinity out of thin air is really, really easy. Just Goblindbergh --> Monk --> another monster (preferably Star Drawing) and I can bring out one really, really easily. Hell, Goblindbergh, Instant Fusion an another monster for me means free Infinity + Lavalval Chain, and it even becomes a +1 total if that second monster is Star Drawing (it would go like this: Goblin + other monster, overlay for Chain, chain eff --> dump Felis, Lightsworn Archer --> Felis self-summons --> Instant into Noden and PAM! Free Infinity. My deck does that consistently in almost every match when I don't need Abyss Dweller).

Your missing the point.

What I'm getting at, is that not every deck is going to jump at the chance to play this card, right off the bat.
Sure, they can, but it's not always optimal.
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Well, Castel is not always optimal. That doesn't mean that anyone that has at least two level 4 monsters in their deck doesn't run it. Maybe they won't always go for Infinity (I don't either, sometimes I can just win by using Lavalval Chain to synchro). This doesn't mean that they won't have access to a beefed-up 101 that also acts as a Quasar at the price of simply one more monster. With Hunders, for example, it's hard NOT to have at least 3 level 4 monsters on the field at the same time. Make your math...

the hunder example is terrible


the deck's terribly fragile and it specializes in 1-2 card Xyz.


Sure, AAA makes cheap 3-mats, but it's not common to devote more than 1 Ma/Pa at a time unlesss you're gong to make multiple 2-mats and/or you have recycling/CotH


Even then, the deck sucks

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I just thought of what Seraphs into this means...


So basically, you go typical Scepter into Sovereignity into ptolemaios is draw 3 pop one absorb another for a 2700 beatstick with a negation. Best/Worst of all, you went fucking plus off of that.


The only thing that semi-balances Infinity in Cybers is that you -1 to bring it out (not really if you manage to use Nova's revival effect) and even then it's debatable. The reason Quasar is so powerful is because it's hard to get out, because you have to base an entire deck around summoning it. 

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Well, that's more due to Seraphs being designed by brainless apes, though.

This is why Konami needs to list an actual ruling on Seraphs.
Players either play them how they are written/intended, play them with that imaginary zone to plus off Scepter being an E-Tele for Sov, or know of that exact thing but still play it in the intended way to avoid conflict, etc.
I'm fine with any of them, but an actual ruling would basically put an end to debating the effects/etc, because it would be the final say and we would just live with it.
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This is why Konami needs to list an actual ruling on Seraphs.
Players either play them how they are written/intended, play them with that imaginary zone to plus off Scepter being an E-Tele for Sov, or know of that exact thing but still play it in the intended way to avoid conflict, etc.
I'm fine with any of them, but an actual ruling would basically put an end to debating the effects/etc, because it would be the final say and we would just live with it.


I don't see the confusion here - both effects are triggered by the same event so if you have Stick and Chair you can choose the order of the chain, meaning you can activate Chair as chain link 1 and Stick as chain link 2 so you search before summoning, and the second searched chair is triggered by the first chair because it's in hand when it's summoned. Unless you're referring to some other questionable ruling this one is relatively clear.

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I don't see the confusion here - both effects are triggered by the same event so if you have Stick and Chair you can choose the order of the chain, meaning you can activate Chair as chain link 1 and Stick as chain link 2 so you search before summoning, and the second searched chair is triggered by the first chair because it's in hand when it's summoned. Unless you're referring to some other questionable ruling this one is relatively clear.


The confusion stems from the fact that the order of the chain link actually doesn't matter. Even if you set Scepter as CL1 instead of CL2, the searched Sovereignty will still assume the condition is met and will be able to trigger. Thanks to two things. 1) Hand is an unknown zone. and 2) Can't miss timing.

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  • 7 months later...

But if you were to summon it naturally, by ranking up Cyber Dragon Nova, it would take some effort and deck dedication to pull off.

Not true at all. I run a straight-up Cyber Dragon deck (the only non-Machine Monster in the deck is Honest) on Dueling Network and I've easily gotten Cyber Dragon Infinity out by using Cyber Dragon Nova. How? All you need is two cards: Machine Duplication and Cyber Dragon Core.


Simply summon Cyber Dragon Core, activate Machine Duplication, you have an instant two Cyber Dragons. Use them to Xyz Summon Nova, then go straight into Cyber Dragon Infinity. Half the time, I do this and even if I end up with Power Bond plus enough fusion material to go into Cyber Twin/End Dragon or Chimeratech Fortress Dragon in hand/on the field, I don't need to as long as my Cyber Dragon Infinity stays on the field (unless I'm in a mood to OTK my opponent of course).


Point is, summong Cyber Dragon Infinity through Cyber Dragon Nova takes no effort at all if you play your cards right. Heck, I just got two Cyber Dragon Infinities out within less than ten turns using this strategy. Didn't even require Cyber Repair Plant or any other search cards.


Edit: And I know, the last reply was months ago, but when I saw someone say it takes a lot of effort to go rank Nova up into Infinity, I couldn't help but reply about how that's not true at all.

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