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YCS Bochum Shaddoll Decklists


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[Spoiler Long Dao: Top 8]

1x Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning
2x Shaddoll Beast
2x Artifact Lancea
2x Shaddoll Dragon
3x Shaddoll Squamata
1x Felis, Lightsworn Archer
3x Mathemagician
1x Shaddoll Hedgehog
1x Peropero Cerberus
3x Shaddoll Falco
3x Effect Veiler

3x Shaddoll Fusion
1x Foolish Burial
3x El Shaddoll Fusion

1x Mind Crush
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
3x Sinister Shadow Games
2x Breaktrough Skill
1x Shaddoll Core
1x Vanity's Emptiness
3x Mistake

2x El Shaddoll Shekhinaga
3x El Shaddoll Construct
3x El Shaddoll Winda
1x Leoh , the Keeper of the Sacred Tree
1x Yazi ,Evil of the Yang Zing
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Armades , Keeper of Boundaries
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer


1x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x Denko Sekka
2x Maxx "C"
1x Raigeki
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x De-Fusion
3x Anti-Spell Frangrance



[Spoiler Merlin Schumacher: Top 32]

1x Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning
2x Shaddoll Beast
2x Artifact Lancea
2x Shaddoll Dragon
3x Shaddoll Squamata
1x Felis, Lightsworn Archer
3x Mathematician
1x Shaddoll Hedgehog
1x Peropero Cerberus
3x Shaddoll Falco
3x Effect Veiler

3x Shaddoll Fusion
1x Foolish Burial
3x El Shaddoll Fusion

2x Mind Crush
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
3x Sinister Shadow Games
2x Breaktrough Skill
1x Shaddoll Core
1x Vanity's Emptiness
3x Mistake

2x El Shaddoll Shekhinaga
3x El Shaddoll Construct
3x El Shaddoll Winda
1x Leoh , the Keeper of the Sacred Tree
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x Armades , Keeper of Boundaries
1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1x Abyss Dweller

2x Vanity's Fiend
1x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x Denko Sekka
2x Maxx "C"
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x De-Fusion
3x Anti-Spell Fragrance



OK, so these are both the Shaddoll lists I found after a couple on mins of searching, but they're both very similar and very weird. Firstly, there's the Shaddoll ratios: 2 Beast, 3 Falco, 2 Dragon, 1 Hedge? If that is convention, then I'm just really out of touch.

Secondly, there's the choice of LIGHT monsters. Maining triple Veiler and double Lancea? I suppose its a good meta call, but its interesting that they're not running Seraphs. Also, Felis? I was under the impression it was mediocre at best.

Then there's triple Shadow Games. Most builds are playing 1-2 now. Both decks are really heavily focusing on Falco, it would seem, but why?

Also, they're both very very Trap heavy. In a non-Seraph build, I would probably play like 5-6 Traps. It seems like it would ruin the consistency.

Also, they run 3 Winda. Its only really good against BA and Satellar, and even then you're not going to need 3.


There is obviously good reason for all this and it obviously worked pretty well since they both topped, but its barely even regocnisable as Shaddolls any more. Anyone have the answers? ihop I'm pointing at you.

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Long himself puts it better than I ever would. It's important to note that this is a YCS where in the higher rounds you'll probably be playing mainly Nekroz, which is where the maindecked Lanceas come in, plus the case with 3 Veiler, 2 Lancea and Felis, as with all LIGHTs, is exactly that - they're LIGHT. Construct is so good that you really want to summon it as much as you possibly can. This is a YCS build. At a smaller event I'd play 1-2 Falco, 3 Beast and 2 Hedge because that helps in the mirror which has a good chance of being your most common matchup.

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