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Love Live! Sunshine!

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New Love Live anime, details to be revealed further in April 30th. What's interesting though, is that people are starting to draw parallels from the characters in the promotional pic with School Idol Festival girls, most notably the center girl to [url=http://s25.postimg.org/prq2piuu7/ggfg.png]Kasane Hasekura[/url]. I did some more digging to see which other girls resemble SIF characters with varying results.

[spoiler=Confirmed identity(?)]

Leftest redhead has nobody that's even remotely similar to her in SIF.


Exact same hairstyle and color (minus the hairclip), similar enough eye color.


Again, same haircolor, hairstyle and everything except the eye color.


Kinda more farfetched, but it's possible that the hair color got redone.


Same hair color and eye color.


Very very farfetched here.


idk how accurate my predictions are. Shoot your thoughts!

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Leftest redhead has nobody that's even remotely similar to her in SIF.

Not gonna lie, I thought "Why did Honoka dye her hair...?", but none of the others look remotely like older anime characters. Well, Muse members I mean, but I'm sure they aren't older characters. As for the SIF parallels, well, some of them are not too bad, but true enough, the ones you mentioned as farfetched seem far from possible. Could definitely see the ponytail one though.


Gotta share in all that HYPE /awkwardly places hype 

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