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Sangan and Witch of the Black Forest

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What do you think of their impact nowadays?

For Sangan,Tour Guide is now limited and Burning Abyss usually prefer going for an Xyz and getting their effects once detached or the bigger Xyz is defeated. Most other decks already have plenty of search power in this meta that is even more immediate.

For Witch, Summoner Monk isn't exactly the same as what Tour Guide is for Sangan, and we recently got that dragon that searches out Level 7s, and cards like Mega Monarchs aren't even in the map of competitive game.


Sure they are completely splashable and the bast majority of the time they'll be live, and counters like the now splashable Dark Law are not going to be 100% effective for all scenarios, but still, don't these two mostly support rogue decks?

Sometimes it almost feels like they have been power creeped enough to be worth an experimental move just like they did with Snatch Steal last list.


Plus it'd be sweet to Pendulum Summon both and then fuse for Sandwich and get both searches.


Not saying they absolutely can come back necessarily, but what do you people think of them at the moment?




When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: Add 1 monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand.



When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: Add 1 monster with 1500 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand.


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Sangan can also be tutored by Tour Guide, who can also be searched by Scarm. Really, these cards are not only slow, but also somewhat reliant on your opponent. however, if you're willing to give up your normal summon/pendulum summon to get one of these guys on the field, you can do anything but Xyz with them and they'll go off, which at that point it becomes free material. 


I'd keep them on the list, but I can realistically see one of them come off as one of the TCGs many recent experiments (Raigeki, Goyo, fucking Snatch Steal)

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Sangan and Witch only get stronger with every new set.

Sangan can also be tutored by Tour Guide, who can also be searched by Scarm. Really, these cards are not only slow, but also somewhat reliant on your opponent. however, if you're willing to give up your normal summon/pendulum summon to get one of these guys on the field, you can do anything but Xyz with them and they'll go off, which at that point it becomes free material. 


I'd keep them on the list, but I can realistically see one of them come off as one of the TCGs many recent experiments (Raigeki, Goyo, fucking Snatch Steal)

But Sangan is worse than ever.


pendulums may bring it back, but that depends on the quality of pendulum tuners/tribute monsters that you want to use with pendulums


no other deck bar MAYBE shaddolls or synchrons would run sangan, and TGU abusing sangan is TGU's fault, nto vice-versa. That's not even the best play, aside from revival being common... and that's only good in synchro decks running a TGU engine. Any other deck, sometimes even those, running TGU has a better secondary fiend(s), like Scarm or Farfa. Provided TGU isn't limited.


Sangan's an incredibly overrated card. Is it powerful? Yes, but the game has moved away from it being powerful. Could it move back to it? Surely, but that doesn't mean Sangan is the problem or was the problem, it means it was abused and can't co-exist with TGU, in theory.


witch suffers siimilarly, but has better targets

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Shaddolls would definitely benefit from it. Along with Hedgehog it allows you to gain materials for 3 fusion spells just from 1 card and it maintains advantage just as well as any other Shaddoll. Its pretty powerful, but something like that doesn't warrant a ban.


I would definitely be interested in seeing Sangan come back, but Witch probably not yet.

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Sangan + Crush Card :oooo


But Crush Card should probably be banned anyway so yeah, Sangan could easily come back. It'd suck in a lot of things and even in decks it's good in it's hardly ridiculously good anymore since it's so slow and susceptible.

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Sangan + Crush Card :oooo


But Crush Card should probably be banned anyway so yeah, Sangan could easily come back. It'd suck in a lot of things and even in decks it's good in it's hardly ridiculously good anymore since it's so slow and susceptible.


Is Crush Card really that bad after the erratum? Also, wouldn't banning it make Doom Virus Dragon completely unplayable?

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