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[HS] Here there be dragons!


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2 Zombie Chow
1 Equality
1 Knife Juggler
2 Shielded Minibot
1 Coghammer
1 Acolyte of Pain
2 Aldor Peacekeeper
2 Blackwing Technician
1 Mind Control Tech
2 Truesilver Champion
2 Consecration
1 Defender of Argus
2 Hungry Dragon
1 Antique Healbot
2 Azure Drake
2 Dragon Consort
1 Emperor Thaurissan
1 Rend Blackhand
1 Lay on Hands
1 Chromaggus
1 Tirion Fordring

I don't have all of the cards needed for my version of the most optimal build, so for reference:

-1 Knife
+1 Big Game Hunter

-1 Acolyte/Mind Control Tech
+1 Sylvanas Windrunner

More than anything I just want to be able to discuss the decktype since it's only really interesting, since we've yet to get a "Put a lot of big things on the board quickly" deck.
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How's Blackhand working out for you? I'm met with the general consensus that he sucks, but I firmly believe he's actually good. So which one is it in your opinion?

He is a very strong card, especially in the upcoming format of less ATK but more toughness. He's killed several things which BGH wouldn't have that have won me games, including:
- Al'Akir with his Divine Shield up
- Kel'Thuzad
- Chromaggus
- Tirion
- Ysera
- Malygos

And killing these things have won me games. He's by no means a bad card but he's very reliant upon what's being played because BGH could easily just overshadow him.
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He is a very strong card, especially in the upcoming format of less ATK but more toughness. He's killed several things which BGH wouldn't have that have won me games, including:
- Al'Akir with his Divine Shield up
- Kel'Thuzad
- Chromaggus
- Tirion
- Ysera
- Malygos

And killing these things have won me game. He's by no means a bad card but he's very reliant upon what's being played because BGH ould easily just overshadow him.

Yup, exactly what I thought.


I like the build. You're not running Boom (for no BGH targets) or don't try to shove Muster/Quartermaster in like everyone. I personally don't like 2 Chows since it's a pretty meh draw later into the game, but that's preference I guess.

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I personally don't like 2 Chows since it's a pretty meh draw later into the game, but that's preference I guess.

I feel it to be a necessary evil from testing regardless just due to how incredibly poor your options are for lower curve. You can't afford not to play something smaller early otherwise you risk losing the advantages that Dragons have, which is being quite strong for their on-curve value. Also Chow deals with the match-ups you need to deal with the most, which is Face Hunter and Zoo to a degree.

It's also at this point that I realize that I would kill for Twilight Whelp to be a generic card.
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