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[CFV] New Addition to the Rulebook

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This addition was included in the Legend Trial deck. Pretty irrelevant right now, but seeing the past instances of these, I'm getting worried.


1. If you have no Vanguard and no soul, you lose the game.
2. If you have no Vanguard, select a card from your soul and Ride it to make it your Vanguard.


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Soulless OTT will truly be soulless :Kappa:


1. Soulless

2. Heartless

3. Hopeless


Perfect. While I don't think CoCo is still a thing at the moment, even though the 10k booster Elementals will be useful for the deck, the "omega delete" will be a 10-0 (auto-loss) match-up definitely.

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On the plus side, you can reuse Breakrides with this new rule.


And, D-Robos can recover by re-riding Diard.


And, Metalborgs can recover by re-riding Barrengrader.


Breakrides were exactly my first thought when I heard this new ruling. However, I'm unsure how the new mechanism will work. For example, if it is just a revamped delete, then cards like breakrides will be the best to use. However, if they are consistently can do this (like a "reversed" Soul Charge, so they can blast more than one at the same time), well in this case even breakrides are not a good tactic at all.


Can't wait to see more about them.

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