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Daredevil (2015 series)


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Because we've only talked about in the status bar.


If you haven't seen it WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.  It's on Netflix.  If you don't have Netflix beat up a friend who does and steal their Netflix account.


If you don't care about Daredevil or even comics in general watch it anyway because it's a damn good tv show regardless.   






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I like both. Arrow for its cheesiness, Daredevil for the visuals from what very little I've seen.


I've only watched clips on YT and love the crap out of the fight scenes.


Unfortunately for Arrow, (in my opinion), Daredevil has far superior writing and characters.  Even when it gets cheesy or has superhero cliches, you feel the show has earned it.  


Most of Arrow's problems come from the CW being the CW.  (And again, I don't hate Arrow, I just think it could/should be better) 

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Just finished my practical, final report and all that jazz and watch it but kinda stop at episode 6 cause my mate is visiting his gf on another state. Not going to be a dick and watch it without him.


Love it. Love how they pretty much took a lot of the element from Frank Miller's run.


Anyway, Arrow isn't as good for the simple reason that it's not Green Arrow. It's pretty much Nolan's Batman without the superb writing, cw teen soap opera and of course no Batman. Though if you want Tentacruel, go watch Person Of Interest. It's Batman Jesus and Benjamin Linus from Lost written by Nolan and actually writers who knows what they are doing.


Make this the netflix Marvel thread. There are more coming. 

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I watched the show like you suggested, but why is Zorro in it? I like Zorro, but that's false advertising. The show is good, it just needs to be renamed.

don't know if you're being sarcastic but


[spoiler='Zorro in daredevil comic publish in 1993']ddstory3a.jpg[/spoiler]


I hope they take Matt Fraction's run on Iron Fist for inspiration. 


Oh, and I also finished the first season. That hallway fight in one shot. Awesome.

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This Kingpin was on the edge for me until that scene where he beats Matt senseless. Such a badass.


However, I will not confirm anything about this show compared to the movie until I see Bullseye. Next season, I'm hoping.

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This Kingpin was on the edge for me until that scene where he beats Matt senseless. Such a badass.


However, I will not confirm anything about this show compared to the movie until I see Bullseye. Next season, I'm hoping.

There's a possibility that sniper who kills the cops was Bullseye. 

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