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Impossible to Kill! Stall deck


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I'll upload a pic if I can get on my computer at home, but for now here's a deck list.

3x Gellenduo
3x SH Samurai Blue Brawler
3x Marshmallon
3x Spirit Reaper
3x Arcana Force 0 - the fool
2x Lava Golem

3x Upstart
3x Duality
2x Swords of Revealing Light
3x Book of Eclipse
1x One Day of Peace

3x Fiendish
3x Dark Bribe
3x ***Lose A Turn***
3x Waboku
1x Solemn Warning

Stop your opponent from killing your monsters while slowly decking them out. Lose A Turn is the critical card of the deck. The sooner you get it, the better. Wait until they have multiple monsters then use Book of Eclipse to force them to deck out faster because it doesn't matter what they draw, you should have a counter.

Honestly though, the win record of this deck is pretty shoddy. Any thoughts on how to improve it?

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Hm. I'll try lava golem, but no more than 2.

I used Scarecrow and Fader before, but once I got going, they just ended up dead in hand and it took up spaces that I'd devote to physical blockers/counter cards.

As it is, you're right. OTK is really the only way to deal with this deck because if you don't wipe everything, the defenses will be back up pretty quickly.

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Good point. Usually I don't have to hold out for 3 turns and I've had some bad situations where I didn't play Swords and the opponent wipes the board and attacks for game.

Update: Also tested out Lava Golem and it worked really well @ 2. In the same vein as t-roar, I switched the numbers of Swords vs Wabokus to help during opponent's turns.

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