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New Deck Idea: Red Quasar Pendulum

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alright i'm working on an idea for a new deck but i'm not quite sure how exactly to build it, the basic idea (as the topic name states) is a pendulum using deck that has the power to get out both Red Nova Dragon and/or Shooting Quasar while still retaining the ability to hold its own while waiting for the combo needed to make it happen (if this goes in another forum section i will move it to where it belongs XD) any suggestions to make this deck work? this is what i have thus far, a few basic things that you would expect in a deck like this


Current Decklist:



1x Stardust Phantom

1x Stardust Xiaolong

2x Summoner Monk

2x Flamvell Firedog

2x Flamvell Magician



2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Stardust Shimmer

1x Dark Hole

2x Double Summon

1x Gold Sarcophagus

1x Red Dragon Vase



1x Solemn Warning

1x Starlight Road




2x Red Nova Dragon

2x Shooting Quasar Dragon

1x Shooting Star Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Formula Synchron

1x T.G. Hyper Librarian

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