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Dark Worlds!


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Mind Crush is godly in here.


What with Dragged Down and all the searching going on these days.


-1 Raven (3 clogs imo)

-1 Zepharos (I really don't see anything that can benefit from getting returned to hand, and it doesn't really fit the deck's theme).)

-1 Gateway (It's a nice one-of, but not much more than that.)


+3 Mind Crush

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Mind Crush is godly in here.

What with Dragged Down and all the searching going on these days.

-1 Raven (3 clogs imo)
-1 Zepharos (I really don't see anything that can benefit from getting returned to hand, and it doesn't really fit the deck's theme).)
-1 Gateway (It's a nice one-of, but not much more than that.)

+3 Mind Crush

1 Raven can go but gate is like the best card of the deck (Well, from what I've seen anyways). Which is why zeph is here.
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