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[MTG] Dragonlord Kolaghan

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Of all the Dragonlords, Kolaghan sees very little Standard play, followed by Dromoka.


The final ability is like an icing on the cake - a very thick, situational icing. Clearly the best way to exploit this is to spam kill and discard spells until your opponent can't cast any creature/walker without risking 10 life from Kolaghan. It's a good match with a full playset of Despise.


Other than that, if we ignore the icing, she's just a large hasty flier. All the other Dragonlords consistently do something nice on top of their big flying bodies with a keyword.

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I feel like she's one of those cards that are made with the next block in mind. R&D comes up with a lot of those.


As for EDH, she's not very good. Two colors and completely outclassed by Urabrask. Her second effect is completely useless in EDH, so yeah.

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Come to think of it, this reminds me of Ob-Nixilis Unshackled before KTK was revealed to have fetches. Flash forward to now, and... Ob Nix is still "eh".


Well, he's a six mana 4/4 flier. At least Kolaghan is a 6/5 everything you control has haste.

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I wonder if she would be ok in a Dark Deals + Waste Not deck. I mean, that seems like the best way to get milage out of her second ability.

I have a pure M15 waste not deck with liliana and mind rot.
I personally would find it to be good for the deck to splash red, would make the deck hit harder and faster so I could seal the deal once I made them discard a tonne.
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I have a pure M15 waste not deck with liliana and mind rot.
I personally would find it to be good for the deck to splash red, would make the deck hit harder and faster so I could seal the deal once I made them discard a tonne.

Kolaghan's Command is an excellent addition to this type of deck, I think. I even picked up two of them for my Grixis Delver list when my play group tests for tournaments. You should really test it out. The card isn't as flashy as the other Commands, but I think it is the third strongest out of all of the most recent ones. Ojutai's and Silumgar's are horrible cards. Do tell if testing of Dragonlord is worth it, though.

This card has been seeing play in the mild power of Grixis Dragons as a one-of, so it isn't that impactful. I think the card is amazing, otherwise, though. Definitely seemingly a sleeper of the format.
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I've been playing Kologans command in Grixis delver as well, 2 for 1s at instant speed are exactly what you want to do in modern, or any format really. I'd say it has the most relevant modes in modern and its really a swiss army knife card in the sideboard, much like rakdos charm is.

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I've been playing Kologans command in Grixis delver as well, 2 for 1s at instant speed are exactly what you want to do in modern, or any format really. I'd say it has the most relevant modes in modern and its really a swiss army knife card in the sideboard, much like rakdos charm is.

I have two Maindeck at the moment. It is seriously an all star in the deck. Makes the Affinity Matchup an easier means to play when we play more cards like Electrolyze. And this is harder to play around.
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