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The Orichalcos Dragons


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These are quite nice.

Two opinions I have on this are:

  • All three cards should have the "if all three are on the field you win the duel" text.
  • You say "they can be Special Summoned if the "The Seal of Orichalcos" is face up on your side of the field and be paying 3000 Life Points." Although the cost is high enough, there is no relation with the original three dragons. Not to mention that in order for someone to play them all they need 9000 Life Points. Seems impossible. How about instead of paying 3000 points, Offer the Legendary Dragon as a Tribute to special summon the relative card of these?
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Well the purpose was to make it difficult to summon and life point gain was the only way or to gain the life points you paid
The victory text will be changed
Their effects relate to trap spell and monster effects sooooo that was their relation
I thought about it I will post my versions of the dragons to see if it is worthwhile

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Well the purpose was to make it difficult to summon and life point gain was the only way or to gain the life points you paid
The victory text will be changed
Their effects relate to trap spell and monster effects sooooo that was their relation
I thought about it I will post my versions of the dragons to see if it is worthwhile

Let me say it in a different way. All Red-eyes Dragons relate to the original card in some way in the text. Not by having a similar effect but there is a relation with the card it self. Just like the one you have in you signature. Same goes with the archetype for Dark Magician. Both official cards and fun-made ones. Hence, since each of the cards you made seems like an advanced version of the legendary dragons I expected that somewhere in there you have to sacrifice the legendary dragon to summon the related advanced card. That is what I meant.

I guess, in the end it depends on what you aim for so it's up to you. They still look good though.
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