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The Winged Dragon of Ra – Sphere Mode [DP: Battle City]

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But then what about Slifer and Obelisk? Are they just gonna wither away in the dust as Ra gets all this nifty support?


Slifer and Obelisk are actually decent cards.


Ra was nerfed to oblivion, so badly that it was beyond garbage.


Obelisk was the best one, having base 4000/4000 and immunity to targeting, plus its nuke effect for 2 Tributes (but no attacking). The anti-targeting is what made Obelisk so solid, plus again, the consistent 4000 stats.


Slifer doesn't have the anti-targeting, but maintained its 1000 x cards in hand and the "blast Summoned monsters for 2000, killing them if dropped to 0" effect.


Both Obelisk and Slifer can be Special Summoned, but are sent to the Graveyard during the End Phase.


Ra's entire shtick in the anime was repeatedly being Special Summoned, and a huge arsenal of effects to make it constantly threatening, such as gaining the ATK of monsters Tributed to Summon it (or Tributing them to power Ra directly), the 1000 LP to nuke monsters, and the ability to transfer LP to Ra.


The printed version of Ra? You can't Special Summon it by any means. It doesn't get ATK from the Tributed monsters. You can pay LP, but you must pay it upon Summon, and must pay down to 100. It still has the 1000 LP cost to nuke monsters, but because you need to pay LP for it to have any ATK at all, your choice is a 0/0 monster that kills monsters for 1000 LP, and required 3 Tributes, or a inconsistent ATK monster that cost you all your LP and therefore can't nuke monsters, plus putting you in a danger zone.


Yeah, printed Ra is garbage.

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Question: it's stats are ?/?. Its effect says nothing about its stats, so what does that mean?


That means it isn't considered a definite value and therefore can't be searched by things like Sangan. Since nothing in its text sets its stats, it will be considered to be 0/0 while faceup on the Field.

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Phantom of Chaos comboing with this looks dope. Card itself...I mean, it's not bad, though summoning it to opponent's field is a bit situational since 3 monsters is harder to meet than you'd think. Especially if this card picked up in popularity, people wouldn't overextend into it.

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This card was in the anime in DM Season 3. In Pack time... that's roughly Invasion of Chaos, IIRC. Hieratics debuted in ZeXaL's GAOV.

I meant... This actual Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode card... In real life. In the anime, yes, it came way before, but the release of cards in real life, this card is only just now being released while the seals have been around for a while now.
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I meant... This actual Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode card... In real life. In the anime, yes, it came way before, but the release of cards in real life, this card is only just now being released while the seals have been around for a while now.


The seals are still based on this guy's appearance in the anime, so to speak, not vice-versa. And this card had similar representation in a game. So.
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I'm not saying...


*le sigh* whatever. I don't even find the comparison interesting anymore.


You yourself said that Sphere Mode reminded you of the Hieratic Seals; this strongly implies that you saw the Seals first.  If you had seen Sphere Mode in the anime before Hieratics became a thing, there would be no reason to say this; if anything, you'd say that the Seals reminded you of Ra's Sphere Mode. The actual Sphere Mode card is just adapting the original golden ball to the actual game.

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