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Even Dolls need their Veggies [MadolcheNaturia.dek]


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Was looking to add this to my Guide and was wondering if there was any changes, additions or things to take out that you can recomend please.





3 Madolche Anjelly

3 Madolche Hootcake

2 Madolche Magileine

2 Madolche Messengelato

3 Madolche Mewfeuille

2 Naturia Butterfly

3 Naturia Cherries

2 Naturia Cosmobeet

2 Naturia Ladybug



1 Book of Moon

1 Double Summon

2 Instant Fusion

2 Madolche Chateau

2 Madolche Ticket

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Raigeki

3 Upstart Goblin



1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Madolchepalooza

1 Ring of Destruction

1 Solemn Warning

1 Torrential Tribute



2 Generic Level 4 Fusion Monsters

2 Naturia Barkion

2 Naturia Beast

2 Gagaga Cowboy

2 Leviair the Sea Dragon

1 M-X Saber Invoker

2 Madolche Tiaramisu

2 Soul of Silvermountain

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Care to explain how the Naturias actually synergize with the Madolche? For that matter, why are you not using Scared Tree then?

Madolche are EARTH Attribute so I wanted to open up a option of  Synchro Plays. The Naturias was a perfect choice. Also as always, any Naturia in the Graveyard is fair game for Hootcake. The reason I am not playing Tree is Deck Space. I still wanted the Bite of the Madolche but have some decent support from Naturia as well. Also I was careful is namking sure for the most part that all the Naturia Monsters I chose was Tuners so I almost always had the option to Synchro Summon.



Maybe tech in a Soul Release or two?

Tempting. Hootcake will be Banishing a lot so I may do but Deck Space is Limited (I wanted 3 Messengelato but had to make sacrifices)

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Been playing this on Devpro with some pretty good success. Most of the time they think I am playing Pure Madolche and get caught off Guard. Not sure wether to increase my Synchro Options though. Just 4 seems underwhelming.

This is silly IMO.
Couldnt you just tech psychic commander and emergency teleport with t.g striker or something? Would seem a lot more efficient.
You're also meant to tech a copy of fusionist in your extra deck for R3's with instant fusion to make up for when you don't have mewfuille.

Toolbox your ED out a bit. Double cowboy isn't necessary, neither is levaiar. Silver mountain isn't that good. Nothung is amazing if it is TCG, + other synchro and xyz staples.

Hope I helped ~
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