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Pokemon Shuffle

Flame Dragon

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Ooh, Regigigas.


I caught him, stage wasn't hard.


But now I'm trying it again without the 3 Regis, just to see whether there's like rows of Regi spawns or something that mess you up if you didn't bring the Regis.


Conclusion: Yes. The 3 Regis are intermixed with the usual icons that drop. If you didn't bring the Regis, these will slow you down pretty badly. His disruptions are pretty tame (breakable blocks), but frequent.

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Ooh, Regigigas.


I caught him, stage wasn't hard.


But now I'm trying it again without the 3 Regis, just to see whether there's like rows of Regi spawns or something that mess you up if you didn't bring the Regis.


Conclusion: Yes. The 3 Regis are intermixed with the usual icons that drop. If you didn't bring the Regis, these will slow you down pretty badly. His disruptions are pretty tame (breakable blocks), but frequent.

I ended up using Attack Up. I have tons of money again so I was cool with burning it.


Yea, I THINK his disruption is triggered if you don't meet a certain condition like with some others that don't have a count down timer.

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I used an Attack Up and Disruption Delay with my Regi run, won with ease (12 moves left, I think? 33%, 66% with Great Ball). Used nothing without the Regis, and got him down to half, so it's doable without the Regis, it's just much harder.


And he's a base 90 Normal, so Arceus.team looks fun.

My first run with Attack Up I had 33% as well. However he failed to catch and even with a Great Ball he ran away. Luckily the reset trick still works so I used that money on another attack up and caught him at like 23% on my second try.


I also did a "check what its like without the Regis run" and I think I got up to like 9000 damage. Its really annoying since you lose columns 1, 5, and 6 and the disruptions are far more frequent since the condition to keep them from happening is much harder to get with 7 icons.


Yea, looking forward to seeing the high scores people get with all normal teams now that we have a second 90 power guy.



Also, I'm disappointed that 5 million downloads celebration is just Mewtwo, who I imagine a lot of players have at this point. Though its a very nice gift for new ones.

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Time for updates.


First Shaymin returns. One of the best Grass types in the game. Go get it if you haven't already.

Next, Keldeo Escalation battle. Show that your resolute.

Lastly, the next batch of stages have been added. About time too, since I've more or less have all the good pokemon at level 8 because of all the level grinding I've been doing.


Inkay: Not hard. At most a +5 moves is all you need. Doable without.

Chimchar: Not hard. Likely to need +5 moves.

Skiddo: Beatable normally. Likely to need a +5 moves to S rank.

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Oh christ. I caught Resolute Keldeo on a 13% chance. The little sod is power 60, with Power of 4+. Power freaking 60, for a god damn Escalation Battle pokemon.


Also, the Mobile version has a new shop that lets you get certain buffs for 2 Jewels each. You can either:


*Ignore the need for Hearts for an hour.

*Increase the chance of a Super Catch Chance for an hour.

*Have hearts recover in 15 minutes, and also raises your max hearts to 10 for 24 hours.

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*Ignore the need for Hearts for an hour.

*Increase the chance of a Super Catch Chance for an hour.

*Have hearts recover in 15 minutes, and also raises your max hearts to 10 for 24 hours.


Why does the mobile version get all the cool stuff?


Well, it's an Escalation Battle Poke with no Mega form. I just have to shrug on that one. It's also a Fighting type, which has some serious competition as it is, but that Power of 4+ gives it an edge in usability over other Fightings.

I'm pretty sure we only have 2 base 70 fighting types and no base 80 so he'll defiantly have some use.


Monferno: Needs some luck, but I think its doable with just a +5 moves. Edit: Actually its pretty easy if you can get a swamp to trigger.

Joltik: At most, you need +5 for the S rank.

Gogoat: First hard to beat one. I used Mega Start with Blaziken + Ho-Oh and Heatran as well as Disruption Delay and +5 moves. Damn thing to an extra 5K from me too since the catch failed and the first great ball (at 84% thanks to super catch) also failed.



ATM I have 71K with 4 more stages + the two experts so I should hopefully get through this with a decent amount of gold left.


Loudred: Can S rank with just +5 moves, but you'll need some luck. The disruption triggers if you make 3 or less matches a move.

Galvantula: First truly annoying stage. I just used everything. +5 wasn't needed at that point, but no point in taking that risk. Also failed at the 70% chance so it got another 2500 from me.


At 55K now with 2 stages + 2 expert stages.

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I've caught everything minus Keldeo and still have a little over 22K left. Going to do 50 battles of that and get back to money grinding.


IMO the only Pokémon of the new batch worth training is 260. Curious what other things.


As for the S ranks on the last two, I just used all the power ups. Don't think you'll need +5 moves for them though since I had a fair bit of breathing room after.


As for the 2 expert stages, only need Mega Start on the first (too many damn clouds) and nothing on the second.

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I too expect an M-Camerupt on the horizon. Speaking of which, Camerupt is the only Safari Pokemon I didn't encounter yet. And I believe I have captured the others.


I actually caught him pretty fast. Right now I still need all the Rock guys and Numel. Camerupt also makes the 4th +70 power ground type I believe.


It was such a dick move that in a Safari full off rock and fire types, they slap in a flying type.

They normally have 1 pokemon that doesn't share a weakness. Although for some reason I was thinking it would be Fire cause thats what the family is and when I was having trouble beating it with my mono Water team I was like, O, thats the problem.

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I've only gotten Camerupt's stage once and and was able to catch it then, but I didn't think it was that bad. It has really low HP (about half Numel's) and a really high base catch rate. I also like how the stage is a harder version of Numel's. I think its a cool way to connect the evolutionary family.


Still looking for Gigalith. It has proven to just not want to show up.

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Well, I found Camerupt for the second time and managed to catch the bastard this time, so I've cleaned out the safari.


I hate you both.


Karma was obviously setting this reversal up on me for ages. All my incredible luck and speedy finds of rare Pokemon has all been to torture me now.


Update: STILL no Camerupt. No Safari Pokemon has ever eluded me for this long. Not even Phione with its alleged 1% appearance rate.


Update 2: FINALLY got the damn thing. The funny part is that I used up my 5 hearts, with the fifth heart being Fletchling. I ragequit the stage on the spot, then tried again with one of my Bonus hearts. Camerupt appeared.

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