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Ancient Gear Revolt

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So I used this deck on DN and it is currently 10-1 even beating the hell out of Slifer and BA.

X3. Ancient Gear Golem
X3. Ancient Gear Knight
X3. Ancient Gear Box
X2. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
X3. Cyber Valley
X3. King of the Swamp
X1. Ancient Gear Engineer
X1. Ancient Gear Soldier
X1. Cyber Dragon

X3. Geartown
X3. Power bond
X2. Polymerization
X2. Pot of Duality
X1. Swords of Revealing Light
X1. Limiter Removal
X1. Raigeki

X2. Fusion Reserve
X2. Magical Hats
X1. Magic Cylinder
X1. Compulsory Evacuation Device
X1. Torrential Tribute

X3. Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
X2. Chimeratech Overdragon
X2. Gear Gigant X
X1. Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
X1. Pair Cycroid

With this deck I really don't care if I take the damage from power bond and magic cylinder is just in there to soften the opponent up before the deal with an 8800 monster. I just love power decks and with this deck I love the idea of high risk high reward.

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This decks looks really slow, non-streamlined and inconsistent. If your goal is to go for the Power Bond OTK, then every card in the deck should assist with that in some way. You should also be utilising the only really good card in the deck, Ancient Gear Box. Box lets you get your materials for UAGG a lot faster, so you should be looking to abuse its effect. Speaking of faster, you need more draw power to get to your combo pieces quicker. Try a build like this:




Fusion Conscription can be replaced with Fusion Reserve if you want to keep it TCG, but Conscription is being released in TCG fairly soon anyway as far as I know.

I added a Geargia engine because Geargiauger can add Ancient Gear Box upon Normal Summon, netting you a +2 and giving you nearly all your materials. It also makes Gear Gigant X a lot easier to make, netting you even more advantage. The Geargia engine is also a wincon on its own if the OTK fails.

I've added a little draw engine with Gemini Sparks for Ancient Gear Knight, which is also good removal to clear the field for the OTK. Trade-In also helps with the draw power and you can re-add AGG with Conscription or Ancient Gear Workshop. Duality and Reckless are also there for speed and consistency, and Duality is pretty nifty if you add Box.

Scolding was just my idea of the 40th card. The negation could be appreciated.


Hope I helped.

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