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YCM GPT Match 2-12

Flash Flyer - Sakura


17 members have voted

  1. 1. Sea slug vs Pickup Normal

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When I think Gastrodon, I think of someone tripping and falling flat on their face. Then everything pauses as a Gastrodon slowly makes their way across the screen or over the fallen figure and goes out of sight before the action continues.

When I think Zigzagoon, I remember that I need to take out the trash and put it in a bin with a heavy rock on its lid so the raccoons around my house can't get into it.

... I voted Gastrodon because funny head imagery.

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Voting Ziggy cuz in my OR nuzlocke, Zigzagoon ended up proving himself fairly useful (he's a Linoone now).

Never used a Gastrodon, though Shellos (either one) is cute.

I have a Linoone, but like most people, I keep it for HM reasons such as Rock Smash and a bunch of other things I can't be bothered to teach my main guys.

He has Belly Drum though, but given the state of the game and because Fighting-types are still a thing; either he'll be killed before he uses it; OR dies right after.


To be honest, I really have no feelings towards these two.

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It's a narrow victory, but suppose fate has decided to be kind on Hoenn's resident HM slave and push it onward to Round 3.


For most intents/purposes, Zigzagoon will pretty much remain as an HM slave for a lot of players, since any potential it might have is sadly outclassed by a lot of other viable options.

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