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[HS] Wailing Soul Druid

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Innervate x 2
Zombie Chow x 2

Wrath x 2
Ancient Watcher x 2
Bloodmage Thalnos
Ironbeak Owl
Big Game Hunter
Deathlord x 2
Ogre Brute x 2
Swipe x 2
Keeper of the Grove x 2
Wailing Soul x 2
Azure Drake
Druid of the Claw x 2
Boulderfist Ogre x 2

Emperor Thaurissan
Ancient of Lore x 2


Mulligan everything that isn't Zombie Chow, Wrath, Ironbeak Owl, Deathlord, Ogre Brute, Keeper of the Grove, or Wailing Soul.

Also keep Swipe against Hunters, I guess.


Play big guys that cost very little and then Wailing Soul for pro advantage. That's all there really is to it. You have no BGH targets, you have silences for your opponent's minions too and you can last the mid-late game with Ancient of Lores.


-1 Azure Drake, +1 Emperor Thaurissan

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He probably doesn't have Force though.


Which legendaries do you have? Innervate's quite good at playing them early.


I do have Force :P


Boom, Rag, Sneed's, Ysera, Harrison, Sylvanas, Tinkmaster and Mukla, all of Naxx and 2 wings of BRM.

I've played Ramp Druid before but wasn't sure about going for much of a lategame stance with this deck. I figured Ogre would be a good idea as its a 6 mana beatstick that doesn't care for being Wailing Soul'd.



I'd probably do -2 Boulderfist, -1 Owl, +2 Savage Roar, +1 Force of Nature. Build's nice though.

I haven't actually considered playing the combo in here. I'll take it for a spin.

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