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Chain...Burn D:

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3 Cardcar D
3 Scarecrow
2 Lava Golem
2 Maxx C
1 Marshmallon

3 Duality
2 Chain Strike
1 One Day of Peace

3 Secret Barrel
3 Just Deserts
3 Reckless Greed
3 Threatening Roar
3 Accumulated Fortune
2 Waboku
2 Dimension Wall
2 Ceasefire

2 Ojama Trio



Changes V1


-2 Scapegoat

-2 Magic Cylinder


+2 Ojama Trio

+2 Dimension Wall

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Also, Prepared Explosives. You could take out Waboku (6 anti-BP cards should be enough), Scapegoat (inferior to anti-BP cards in anything that doesn't even use the Tokens), and 1 Day (stalls you for a turn and your opponent draws as well).


It's probably just me who does this, but what about Legacy of Yata Garasu, mainly to help you get Reckless Greed to overlap each other?

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I mostly use the Scapegoats as a form of "bait" for the opponent to want to Special Summon all their monsters to attempt to get over it, then chaining all my face-downs when they trigger their effects. I'll take it out to see how it goes.


Removing One Day of Peace is an interesting argument, I would need some more exidence than just opponent draws 1 to warrant removal. In addition, I could easily chain everything to One Day, which would do burn and then stall for a turn.


For now, I'll attempt the following changes:


-2 Scapegoat

+2 Ojama Trio (I used to have this in my deck, than decided against it because of Ceasefire)

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