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~Soldiers of the Wasteland~ [tellarknights]

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2 Honest
3 Satellarknight Altair
3 Satellarknight Deneb
1 Satellarknight Rigel
2 Satellarknight Unukalhai
2 Satellarknight Vega
3 Star Seraph Scepter
3 Star Seraph Sovereignity
1 Book of Moon
1 Forbidden Lance
1 Raigeki
3 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Soul Charge
1 Temple of Kings
3 Call of the Haunted
3 Fiendish Chain
1 Jar of Avarice

1 Oasis of Dragon Souls
1 Ring of Destruction
3 Stellarnova Alpha
1 Vanity's Emptiness
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Castel the Avian Skyblaster
1 Daigusto Emeral
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon

1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1 Evilswarm Ouroboros
1 Lavalval Chain
1 Number 103: Ragnazero
1 Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad
1 Stellarknight Constellar Diamond
3 Stellarknight Delteros
2 Stellarknight Triverr

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Your list and pic don't quite match up.Rigel is missing from the pic and Oasis is missing from the list, not that it matters. 


I'm really not convinced by Sirius at all. It's a really awful early draw and since you have a Jar and making Emeral is easy I don't think it's necessary at all, especially because you don't even need just Tellars to make plays anymore. I'd cut it for, idk, maybe a 2nd Oasis? Other than that, looks solid.


edit: in fact, the pic lacks Rigel so just cut the Sirius for a Rigel.

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Your list and pic don't quite match up.Rigel is missing from the pic and Oasis is missing from the list, not that it matters. 


I'm really not convinced by Sirius at all. It's a really awful early draw and since you have a Jar and making Emeral is easy I don't think it's necessary at all, especially because you don't even need just Tellars to make plays anymore. I'd cut it for, idk, maybe a 2nd Oasis? Other than that, looks solid.

oh mfw I didn't update the pic, I did those changes last minute after already making the screenshot


Yeah, I might drop Sirius. Jar kinda does the same job but better since it also recycles Stellarnova (holy fuck man).


EDIT: So turns out pic was wrong and list was right, so I didn't have any Oasis in the final list. I swapped the Sirius for a copy.

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oh mfw I didn't update the pic, I did those changes last minute after already making the screenshot


Yeah, I might drop Sirius. Jar kinda does the same job but better since it also recycles Stellarnova (holy fuck man).


EDIT: So turns out pic was wrong and list was right, so I didn't have any Oasis in the final list. I swapped the Sirius for a copy.


Which is perfect since all you really need to put back is 3 Altair and 2 Alpha if you've seen them (Calls and Oasis otherwise). Fantastic card, might even be worth considering a second.

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So yeah, pretty content with this build. I tried the Zefras in the Seraph slot for a bit, but they were even more inconsistent (like what the fuck). However, Turban was pretty useful and I might keep a copy, it's a searchable Djinn out. Not yet sure what I will cut.


Also Soul Charge for 5-mat Rhongo Bongo is living the fucking dream.

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