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attn cfv players

Resident Fascist

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put one of the six nation flags into your sig, just for a bit of fun. I plan to buy a United Sanctuary member group once I have the points (Any donations would be appreciated :p). If we get enough people together we could organize a nation war thing on CFA.


[spoiler='Nation War rules']

  • Pick one clan from the nation you are representing. Ideally, we will have 3 player teams, as each nation has at least 3 clans.
  • When you lose, your clan is defeated and no player on your team is able to use it.
  • When all 3 of your clans are defeated, your nation is defeated.
  • Cray Elemental Cards can be used in all decks.[/spoiler]




United Sanctuary



Dragon Empire









Star Gate



Dark Zone



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I wonder if I can join under the flag of Zoo or Magallancia... >_> Any of them are okay for me (Zoo is the preferred, though, 'cause of Musketeers)


by all means. zoo only has 1 person. also, adding a clause that once each other nation has 3 players, any nations with no players will be exempt from the nation war and we'll start and discount those clans.

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