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Hi there. Welcome to the site.  Remember we treat everyone like family.


One big....disjointed....you know what I'm just gonna stop talking.


Brush your teeth, eat breakfast, abide by the Advanced Clause and other such rule when posting cards, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or anyone else who may be willing.


And always remember to have fun.

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Hi there. Welcome to the site.  Remember we treat everyone like family.


One big....disjointed....you know what I'm just gonna stop talking.


That's about right for the most part; except for a few members, but that's something new members won't understand unless they've been here.


Anyway, hi and welcome to YCM.

Before posting, read any/all rules in the sections so you understand our policies.


If you need help with stuff, ask one of the staff members or a senior member.

Custom Cards stuff can be forwarded to me.

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