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Back Jack is shit. Replace it with a Pero Pero Cerberus because it makes Math into a very very powerful Djinn out. I also really don't like Dark Armed with no Wyvern (Dark Armed in general, tbh) and I think you should be playing 3 and 2 of the dragons because you have a lot more LIGHTs to use them with. Foolish is also very unnecessary and Shadow Games is better. Finally, I'd advise against Mask Change 2 in the main because it's only a complete blowout versus Nekroz and against everything else it's a -1 with no massive benefit.




-1 Back Jack

-1 Dark Armed

-2 Mask Change 2

-1 Foolish

+1 Pero Pero Cerberus

+1 Black Dragon

+1 White Dragon

+1 Shadow Games

+1 Hedgehog (best Shadoll)


From the side,

-1 Thunder King

-2 Iron Wall

+2 Mask Change 2

+1 Crush Card (getting to Falco is easy and it's a complete blowout against Nekroz)


From the extra,

-1 Dark Law (honestly one tends to be enough, the chance of drawing 2 Mask Change 2 is miniscule and not worth it)

+1 Shekhinaga!! (lets your Maths dodge Veilers and Breakthrough, is generally amazing, Shek is love Shek is life.)


edit: Back Jack is even worse, you're playing 1 normal trap.

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