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April 2015 Monthly Bushiroad Promos

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MB/028 惑星鉱石のレディサーチャー Lady Searcher of Planet Ore
“やっと見つけた……。(I finally found it… …)”
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / Star Gate - Link Joker - Cyberoid
Power 6000
Shield 5000
Critical 1
[Auto]: When this card appears in a [Guardian Circle], choose 1 Locked card, you can Unlock it. If you Unlock it, during that battle, this Unit gains [Shield]+5000.



G-BT03/048 PR 誘いの撃退者 フィネガス Invitation Revenger, Finnegas
“禁呪を使うなら、敗北は許されないよ?(If I use the forbidden arts, won’t we be released from defeat?)”
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / United Sanctuary - Shadow Paladin - Elf
Power 7000
Shield 5000
Critical 1
[Continuous] [[Rearguard Circle]]: Your Vanguard’s “[Limit Break][4]” can be used even if your Damage Zone is at 3 cards or less.



And Now For A Word From The Vanguard R&D Department!!

今月の月ブシには、カードファイト!! ヴァンガードのPRカードが2種類付録されているぞ。
本日は「惑星鉱石のレディサーチャー」と「誘いの撃退者 フィネガス」の2枚のPRカードをご紹介!


「撃退者」の名前を持つため、「幽幻の撃退者 モルドレッド・ファントム」や「撃退者 レイジングフォーム・ドラゴン」を使ったデッキはパワーアップ間違いなし!!
リミットブレイク解放を手に入れて、再び輝くかも……!? キミのデッキに加えてみて欲しい!
『The Dark “Ren Suzugamori”』や『覇道竜星』で登場する《シャドウパラディン》にも注目だ!!



まかなう事ができない。 そこで、彼らの主であるメサイアからある指令が出された。



現在のクレイにおけるリンクジョーカーの詳細は、5/8発売予定の『月刊ブシロード』6月号に掲載予定! お楽しみに!

Today’s the day for Monthly Bushiroad! This month’s Monthly Bushiroad comes with 2 Cardfight!! Vanguard Promo Cards. Today we’re introducing those two promo cards “Lady Searcher of Planet Ore” and “Invitation Revenger, Finnegas”!


“Lady Searcher” is a new Grade 1 “Link Joker”. It’s a defensive unit that can Unlock a Locked card to gain 10000 Shield. To make the best use of her, use her in conjunction with your opponent’s locked Back Row. After a front row Unit attacks, we recommend you Unlock a backrow Unit, when it can no longer Boost. The new “Link Jokers” no longer just Lock, they’ve evolved and learned to master the power of “Unlock”! Please look forward to “Fateful Star Messiah”, which goes on sale May 29th, 2015!


“Finnegas” is the Shadow Paladin Limit Break unleashing Unit! He’s included in Monthly Bushiroad ahead of his official release in the new Booster, “Sovereign Star Dragon” (Which goes on sale May 29th, 2015)! Since he has “Revenger” in his name, he can definitely be used to power up Decks that use “Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom” and “Revenger, Raging Form Dragon”!! “Raging Form” is the trump card that won “Fighter’s Climax 2014”. Now that Limit Break unleashing exists, will he shine again… …!? Try adding this card to your Deck! And keep your eyes out for the Shadow Paladins in The Dark “Ren Suzugamori” and “Sovereign Dragon Star”!!


[Unit Lore]

She is one of the members of “Link Joker” who received the divine blessing of “Messiah”, causing them to be reborn as a new race that belongs to Cray. She’s a Type-FEMALE Cyberoid born with power stealth abilities.


After avoiding a collision with the Planet Brandt, she has been flying around Cray every day searching for the pieces of Brandt that manages to crash down onto Cray.


They need power sources since the energy required to keep Link Joker operational isn’t native to Cray, but it’s said there might be some Elementals that now emit the energy needed since Link Joker was reborn as a member race of Cray. However, this naturally emitted energy isn’t enough to feed the energy needs of their members. Thus, a certain order was given to them by their lord, Messiah.


He ordered them to search for materials which contain the energies of “Link Joker”. The substance that contained the greatest amount of this energy were the pieces of the aforementioned Planet Brandt. The energy Messiah extracted from these shards provided more than 50 times the energy an elemental could produce in a single day.


The amount of elementals that produce this energy is increasing, so eventually, there should be no need to hunt for energy sources to sustain them. But will that take a few decades or a few centuries… … They strut around the world in secret. And for right now, they merely live from day to day.


The full details about Link Joker on modern day Cray are available in the May 8th issue of Monthly Bushiroad! Please enjoy!




Link Joker's getting a lot of ladies now. I like.

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