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Banlist Discussion Revamp


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So I think given the new banlist and whatnot, we're sticking with TCG list. 

I'm wondering if we are still in favour of adding some of our own restrictions to this list?

Previously in the thread some things were discussed, notably banning the following
Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon
Planetellarknight Ptolemaios

Soul Charge


I don't really have a problem with any of these, though I'm not sure Soul Charge and Raigeki need it. 

I'd also like to see Limiter Removal Banned.

Also discussed was limiting Instant Fusion. 
I think banning Noden and releasing Yesden (at 1) would be preferable to the limiting of IF as IF adds value to combo decks.

I think the current limited status of Skill Drain and Vanity's Empitness are fine?

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I don't really think those cards are banned worthy. The spells are fine with there at one status. As for 95...I really don't see any set of dragons that other than D-Rulers that could have taken advantage of that card. 

As for instant fusion I would prefer taking out Noden if something has to go. 

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CyDra Infinity should be banned as well, or so I was told.

I don't know what's Yesden, but if it must be Limited in order to stay in DP, my guess is that it shouldn't exist and instead be more balanced/fair from the beginning.

I'm fine with the bans on the Spells in the current list: they are just too sacky and game-changing.

In my opinion, Dark Matter Dragon can come back now that the DRulers got the axe.


Personally, I would like to adopt TCG list (so no Heavy, Judgment, etc.), but still keep Vanity and Skill Drain banned.

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I'm not fully aware of how much people like/dislike Noden/Yesden, but we could always just nerf Yesden more if people feel it's still too strong, otherwise I would support Yesden, since I think Noden's lack of OPT is silly.

Lots of other things, but I'll keep quiet for now.


Regarding Dark Matter Dragon and/or Dragon Rulers, for starters I'm not sure if there are any other interactions related to these two cards with other cards. Otherwise I'd go with the TCG route of benning the Dragon Rulers if they cause so much problem.

INB4 problems

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Just ban Rulers like both TCG/OCG did for this format; if they indeed make things stupid on DP like they did for RL.

As for Raigeki, it's essentially one-shot removal; so yeah ban it if you have to.


Noden can get the axe; that loop on YGOPro basically showed how stupid it can be.


Other Spells on the list are iffy, but if they are stupid, then sure.


What exactly is abusing Limiter Removal in DP, from whatever either of you can recall?

Care to explain WHY you want to see Limited banned, BtanH?



In any case, just adopt the TCG banlist; and add our own things if needed.

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If you guys want some of the banned stuff returned, then it's up to the DP community to decide which ones can be reinstated (although at 1).


As for Limiter, yeah it is essentially an OTK enabler for most things.

I can pretty much say this after playing test runs with that MPB deck on Devpro; 5200 ATK Dracossacks are not fun to face; especially after opponents get their field cleared out.


Then again, which Decks on DP have been using the card for that purpose? Remember that I don't know every single card in the database, and certainly cannot check until sea fixes things.


I am only suggesting this but cards that put a clear hold on the Duel should be considered for the Axe. Skill Drain messes up so many Decks its unreal. Some people may like it at 1 now but even that was not enough, it needs the Chop.


In the real game, I know Qlis use it to avoid their usual limitations on summoning (should they be NSed w/out Tributing).

But for the most part, it shuts out pretty much every Deck in DP, so I can see where this is going.


Then again, assuming we adopt the April 2015 lists; Skill Drain got shot down, so you would get your wish here.

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Some things that we talked about in the skype chat would be...

Solemn Judgment to 1 (or 3!)
Torrential Tribute to 2 or 3
Compulsory Evacuation Device to 2
Heroic Champion Rhongomiant to 0

Any opinions on these?

Solemn - I can role with this for sure
Torrential - I wouldn't mind it at 2, 3 seems a bit too much
Evac - Not while Temporal Maze is at 3
Rhongo Bongo - We don't have Ignknights so........ Why?
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I am only suggesting this but cards that put a clear hold on the Duel should be considered for the Axe. Skill Drain messes up so many Decks its unreal. Some people may like it at 1 now but even that was not enough, it needs the Chop.

We actually agreed a month or two ago to ban both Skill Drain and Vanity, but in general I do agree with this. I'm also gonna throw out there the consideration of Mind Crush or Mistake to 1 or 2, but I don't know if any Deck on DP is hurt enough by it to warrant such. We also mentioned hitting Infinity, which if not already done should be due to having a few machine Decks in the form of Railroad and Genex 2.0, the latter which recently got a HUGE boost with a retrained Neutron and Soul Furnace, so Limiter Removal also sounds decent.
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Some things that we talked about in the skype chat would be...


Solemn Judgment to 1 (or 3!)

Torrential Tribute to 2 or 3

Compulsory Evacuation Device to 2

Heroic Champion Rhongomiant to 0


Any opinions on these?


86 isn't a problem, considering DP doesn't have Igknights or any other Deck capable of spamming Level 4s quickly. Why was this brought up?


Solemn can stay at 1; wary about it going to 3.


Torrential can go up to 2, but that's it. Same with CED; or keep it at 1 as it is.




Also, I'd go on the DP chat; but I hate having to sort through 4000 or so messages in that thing.

That also explains why Nai and I never talk on Skype.

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Temporal Maze'll get limited on release, don't worry about it.

Rhongo because..eh idk I'm probably just salty. Then again if a deck can 4 or 5-mat Rhongo it's a sign that the deck itself is cancerous.

Alrighty, I'm fine with that then. And you are somewhat right, but sometimes it's a rare occasion. I have yet to see a Warrior Deck on here that can efficiently pump out Rhongo with even 3 mats, so until I can see more, I would rather wait.
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86 isn't a problem, considering DP doesn't have Igknights or any other Deck capable of spamming Level 4s quickly. Why was this brought up?

Solemn can stay at 1; wary about it going to 3.

Torrential can go up to 2, but that's it. Same with CED; or keep it at 1 as it is.


Also, I'd go on the DP chat; but I hate having to sort through 4000 or so messages in that thing.
That also explains why Nai and I never talk on Skype.

You can adjust it for certain keywords to alert you as such, either way it isn't as frequent as it used to be. You can sort through arguments and feedback posts from the important stuff easily, at least that's what I found

Rhongo Bongo - We don't have Ignknights so........ Why?


I thought this was put in the Trashbin, no? Either way, it's a bad idea
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Denko's status basically depends on which Decks run rampant on DP right now.
If it proves too much of a pain for a lot of Decks, then sure hit it.

But before we deal with Denko, let's look at the ban list and if we do decide to revive some Traps; which ones?

I think we covered most of them. Also, I bring up that it was suggested to prevent Set 4, NS, go from being too problematic, that Heavy Storm could be a thing. While I don't always like Heavy, I would be for this, it also was suggested for a Not-Heavy-Storm to be made that halves damage for that turn. Thoughts on either of these?

Wondering what you guys' thoughts on hitting Denko Sekka is. Lots of decks rely on traps in the CCG and unbanning/semi-limiting some traps may cause Denko to become more popular and actually lock down some decks.

Denko sounds painful, but I would like to see what it could do first. When you mention it though, it is slightly concerning when you factor in Decks like Darklord that can put out a ton of damage when they aren't stopped too often. It could be discussed
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I don't really like Denko as a concenpt. But it's not a huge deal. I'd be happy to see the influence it could have.

Given the recent influx in traps, and the potential of moving more off the banlist, I'd like to see Heavy Storm come back.

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