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1 Godhawk, Ichibyoshi

4 Psychic Bird

4 Battle Sister, Ginger

4 Oracle Guardian, Nike

4 Lozenge Magus



4 Arbitrator, Ame-no-Sagiri
4 Goddess of the Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi

2 Divine Sword, Ame-no-Murakumo

2 Weather Forecaster, Miss Mist

2 Oracle Guardian, Gemini



4 Silent Tom

4 Goddess of the Half Moon, Tsukuyomi

3 Diviner, Kuroikazuchi



4 Supreme Sky Battle Deity, Susano'o

4 Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi



1 Snow Element, Blizza

3 Soaring Auspicious Beast, Qilin

4 Sword Deity of the Thunder Break, Takemikazuchi



Deck doesn't need draw triggers because of the general abundance of draw in this deck. I've started running less and less Ame-no-Murakumo, I just feel it does basically nothing when the strides it enables aren't enormous game winning bombs, and the remainder of your Tsukuyomis serve as excellent fodder for Striding. Deck is very good, consistent. I really like it and I would build it in real life if I could find Tsukuyomis. Honestly my favourite deck coming out of GBT01, which is something that surprises me, I was never really into Oracles, but this deck has given me a love for the clan.

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