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yubel deck i want to use for my locals ( also improve plz )

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i have a local tourny on saturday, and i am thinking of going with a yubel deck. but since i haven't attemped at yubel before, and i dont want to netdeck anyone, could someone here help improve one of this deck and tell me which one i should use.


3| Yubel

2| Yubel - Terror Incarnate

1| Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare

3| Doom Shaman


3| Mystic Tomato

2| Phantom Of Chaos

1| sangan

1| Snipe Hunter

1| Morphing Jar

2| The Calculator ( yubel + this = 3300 atk )


3| Offerings to the Doomed

2| Special Hurricane

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

2| Twister

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Premature Burrial

3| Heart of Clear Water ( give Protection from effects )

2| Double Summon

2| Dark World Dealings


2| Dark Bribe

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Transmigration Prophecy

2| Solem Judgement

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