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Flash Flyer - Sakura

He regresado y listo a luchar estos enemigos; para vengar mi derrota durante el final del torneo pasado. Ahora, combatiremos a la muerte; hasta sólo uno sobrevive! - Arcanine  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Argentina's resident komainu vs yuki-onna of Japan vs British ice cream vs floral scents

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Match ends 4/7 @ 10 pm HST

Just as a sidenote, Goodra was on the list twice; so stuff happened.


Looks like Arcanine gets another shot after all.

(BTW, the flavor thing on Vanilluxe makes sense, because an Englishman did design it.)


Also, the sizes are more/less relevant to their dex descriptions, so...

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It's ironic that as Oddish evolves, it gets shorter.


Anyway, voting for the fire dog this time for obvious reasons.

I don't have a particular opinion of the other three.


(Also, komainu are Japan [and the Ryukyuan shisa]; but you guys remember from last tournament what Arcanine's nationality is)

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Don't worry, you're not a hypocrite for voting Arcanine.

If you like him better than the others, go and vote for it.


So far, it's winning.

(Now I have to decide whether to switch Keldeo into using another dialect of the voseo, because Arcanine technically took the Argentine version; but I'm not comfortable with the other ones)

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Nah, I was referring to an earlier statement saying how it seems all the legendaries [except the ones from johto apparently >:-( ] are getting in the second round and that I don't like it.

But yeah, I do like Arcanine more than the others here so...yeah.

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I like Arcanine and Froslass equally. They're probably both in my top ten of favorites (this includes legendaries).

In times like this, I vote for the underdog. I figured I'd be voting Froslass, but I guess Arcanine literally is the underdog here (only by one point but still).


So yeah, voting Arcanine. Also it'd be really cool if they both moved on.

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Arcanine/Froslass are tied right now at 6 votes each.

Then again, they have a clear lead over the other two.


Suppose it should be noted that the winners have had at least one staff member vote for them.

Arcanine has myself and Zextra; Froslass has evilfusion.


(TBH, Froslass would've been 2nd choice)

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En un empate de 6-6, el komainu de Argentina y la yuki-onna de japón ambos han avenzado a la batalla segunda.

Ahora, parece que Arcanine es más circa de obteniendo su redempción.


(In a 6-6 tie, Argentina's komainu and Japan's yuki-onna have both advanced to the 2nd fight. It appears that Arcanine is closer to obtaining his redemption now.)


- No dialogue this time -

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