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YCM GPT Match 1-29

Flash Flyer - Sakura

Team Crystal vs Team Flygon. #praisebasedflygon  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Sand dragon vs aurora legend vs Megaree vs Parasee

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...Dammit I have to go against my own nomination. Sorry Parasect but I only nominated you cause Meganium was already nominated.


Meganium has such a nice, literally nice, design. So happy and colorful and nice. Plus it's a decent Pokemon and I was so happy seeing what Bayleaf turned into. Cause I didn't like the first stage.

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I suppose Flygon can kiss its second chance at redemption goodbye, as Johto takes the lead in this match.


Leading is Crystal's starter in Adventures; followed by the legendary she failed to capture, leading to the events of volume 11.

It is a shame though, since Flygon really deserved that Mega slot; but why Gamefreak gave it to some other random stuff is anyone's guess.

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