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Blazeman x3
Bubbleman x3
Ice Edge
Mist x3
Goblindbergh x3

Hero Lives x3
Emergency Call x3
Form Change x2
Mask Change x3
Change II
Miracle Fusion x3
Poly x3
RotA x3

Mirror Force x2
Chain x2

Zero x3
Nova x2
Acid x2
Dark Law x2
Abyss Dweller

I have like 90% of this IRL, and thinkin' about buying the rest.
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Looking at this deck...

* Would recommend using COTH/OODS to revive and recycle Blazeman/Shadow Mist effects.
* Would drop Mask Change II since the only thing going for it in here is Goblindberg for Dian when you can just go and Form Change into it.
* Would recommend using Vision HERO Adoration since it can be helpful as a generic HERO Fusion in Polymerization Standards (knowing it can't be used with Miracle Fusion) and maybe Trinity for that push for game since if you have a Form Change set you can effectively counter against plays your opponent may make against your attacks.

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Looking pretty good but how is Form Change @2 working? Would think it would be a bit inconsistent, but with all the Fusion stuff you're running maybe not. Ice Edge seems like a good card @1 but is it working @2? If not, I'd suggest a Trap or two to replace it. Mask Change at 3 seems optimal instead of MKII. You could try Mask Charge as well, and do you need 3 Ab Zero in the extra? Or Lavalval? You may want to try some Exciton, Cowboy or Dweller. Cowboy seems like a good finisher as in my experience this deck can put damage on pretty quickly.

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Would recommend using COTH/OODS to revive and recycle Blazeman/Shadow Mist effects.

Lives is an E-Tele.
Goblind can trigger them on the fly.
While Call is nice and all, it's only really Mist who I would ever care about reviving, and even then, Mist already gets all the usage I'd want out of it.

Would drop Mask Change II-

Change Second was honestly just tossed in at the last second.

Looking pretty good but how is Form Change @2 working? Would think it would be a bit inconsistent, but with all the Fusion stuff you're running maybe not. Ice Edge seems like a good card @1 but is it working @2? If not, I'd suggest a Trap or two to replace it. Mask Change at 3 seems optimal instead of MKII. You could try Mask Charge as well, and do you need 3 Ab Zero in the extra? Or Lavalval? You may want to try some Exciton, Cowboy or Dweller. Cowboy seems like a good finisher as in my experience this deck can put damage on pretty quickly.

Considering how much of a priority Zero is with the Deck, and how I basically has 9 Polys(3x Miracle, 3x Poly, and 3x Blazeman), Form Change has been quite nice here@2. Ice Edge is pretty silly; Only like, once in a blue moon have I ever needed both, so I guess I could swap one for a 3rd Mask Change. And I've never really been a fan of Charge. Not saying it's bad or anything, I've just never really used it O,o
And yes, Zero@3 is ideal here. It's a walking Dark Hole that also acts as a constant mind-game for the opponent, of me potentally folowing it up with a means of turning it into Acid, and would in turn just nuke the opponent's side. And Laval tends to add random set-up for shenanigans and/or acts as an extra FIRE monster. I could swap it for an Abyss Dweller, though, since the other two options seem random/redundant.
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