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[CFV] Deleter + Messiah lore fan theory/predictions.

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While this may or may not be fully confirmed, I believe that from a lore perspective that the Deleters are former Messiahs corrupted by Brandt. There are a few holes in this theory, such as the fact that the Messiahs were with Link Joker's main force when they were consumed by Brandt. What I can assume this means is that Link Joker was once part of Cray, as it is now. At some point down the line, either the clan was consumed by Void, or chose to betray Cray to Void. Note that we haven't seen the main force yet, and we likely won't.


 First of all, let's take a look at both Harmonics Messiah and Oksizz. 



When you look at their body types, they have very much in common. Their heads look very similar, in particular. A thin centre body structure, thin wings, and both are carrying things in their hand. I also must point out the alternate artwork of Harmonics Messiah




I feel this artwork further reinforces the similarities between Messiah and Oksizz's designs. This is even more apparent in the Vanguard Movie, Neon Messiah:

[spoiler='Large image warning']Daunting_Deletor%2C_Oksizz_%28Design%29.[/spoiler]


While looking at Oksizz's full body proves he has much less in common than Messiah, remember that the Deleters were absorbed and corrupted by Brandt, this sort of change could be expected.


Next, are the similarities between the other Messiahs and Deleters:



Notice the very similar structure of the head and body. I also feel it important to explain where Neon Messiah came from.[spoiler='Neon Messiah Spoilers']At the end of Neon Messiah, Brandt is purified by Harmonics Messiah, summoned by Aichi. This, in addition with the splitting of the Link Joker seed into all fighters, makes Link Joker fully accepted by Cray, and assumingly, Brandt no longer consumes life and corrupts it. Aichi then gives Harmonics Messiah to Ibuki, where it morphs into Neon Messiah.[/spoiler]


of course, the biggest hole in this theory is how the Messiahs ended up getting consumed by Brandt in the first place. The only explanation I can give that once, Link Joker's main force was the defence of Cray, before it was corrupted by Void and Brandt. The Main Force detected the threat coming, and chose to intercept it. The Messiahs were consumed by Brandt and the clan was overrun with the power of Void.


Of course, we haven't actually seen a physical manifestation of Void. We've seen it possess fighters in the case of Leon in Season 2, we've seen the Star-Vader power source in Season 3, and the Deleters in the Movie, but never what Void actually is. The way lore describes it, a force of nothingness, seems much less believable than the fact that Void is Brandt, or at least, has some connection. This is where the only hole comes about, Oksizz's lore mentions the following:


Who are the Deletors?

"Brandt", the wandering planet that strays in the universe and devours the existence of everything standing in its orbit, had once appeared on the marching path of "Link Joker"'s main force a long time ago. Billions of soldiers were devoured by Brandt and were thought to be destroyed, but there were survivors who managed to adapt to the planet's environment. They have spent ages to familiarize their bodies with the planet, and succeeded in developing symbiotic relationships with the ominously-formed creatures parasiting Brandt. "Link Joker" refers to them as "Deletors", and releases them into the universe once again. They, who are predominating the planet's environment now, continue to trample across the galaxies with Brandt.


The one lead I get from this is that it is not mentioned that Link Joker's main force was corrupted with Void before coming into contact with Brandt, other than that it was on their "Marching Path" (Seems like a very interesting choice of words, marching? What are they marching to?). This also explains why we haven't seen the Link Joker main force - The majority of it was consumed by Brandt. The survivors, losing all hope for rescue, adapted to the planet, and became corrupt with Brandt. The corruption of the Deleters led to the creation of the rest of the Link Joker force. 


 Although, it would appear that Link Joker, in it's corrupt and evil, void driven form, is a hivemind. Note that they are usually referred to as "Invaders", "Link Joker", "They", rather than as a singular unit. It was never stated that Link Joker was always an invader, when the Main Force left, and whether the citizens of Cray awaited it's return only to receive nothing as it was destroyed by Void and Brandt. 


Another thing to notice is that, now that Brandt has been purified, Void has not been mentioned since, and I doubt it will be mentioned in CFV-G. Because now, either Void (Brandt) is purified, or cannot hope to defeat Cray's Messiahs, now free from it's corruption. Also, a large emphasis of Link Joker and the fight against it was to "Break your Spell", while we thought of this as breaking free from Lock, it might have been referring to the Main Force being under Brandt/Void's "Spell".


 Note that Reverse Takuto states that Link Joker is the avatar of Void. Link Joker is not Void itself, rather it controls the power, as it is the avatar of Void. Rather than saying, "This entire clan is Void" it's the avatar. So, does Void need an avatar to do anything, and thus chose the previous Link Joker main force as it's avatar?


 I don't know, this is one of my favourite parts of the lore, I really hope I'm right, but it might just be fantheories for now.



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I believe the reverse is actually true.

Messiahs are Deleters that got purified and accepted as a part of Cray. Assimilated as one of its clans, in a way.

Lore regarding this has been quite scarce due to the mess that is the S4 era, but I believe that this has been confirmed.


I still like to believe that Link Joker's main force was part of Cray, detected Brandt coming, not knowing what was coming (hence, they were marching to destroy the threat coming to Cray), were consumed by Brandt, who is Void, and then the Deleters were purified and returned to being what they were before their corruption. Either way it works out, it explains the large similarities between the two, I just like to assume Link Joker was once part of Cray, explaining why it knew about Cray and chose so actively to attempt to destroy it.

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Harmonics and Wokshiz being the same wouldn't make a lot of sense seeing as they fought each other. Unless we're delving into some Persona tier I'll Face Myself business.

It is extremely likely that Messiahs are redeemed/purified Deletors. That much I can agree on. Their skinny body designs and even their own gameplay (without Delete) is more evidence to this. Especially with how their playstyle is using locks in a masterful sort of way with combos instead of simply benefiting from more locks like Nebula and Chaos, or just eternally holding down with Omega Lock. The elites of Link Joker are more than suited to be the ones to discover the combo streams through locking and unlocking.

Though, Avatars usually refer to incarnations. So I'm pretty sure everything that isn't confirmed as a Reversed being or from Brandt is from Void. I'm not sure on Void being Brandt though, as much as the description would make sense.

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