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Print Feature and Holographic Rare

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Just keep in mind that implementing Gold Rare / Holographic stuff WILL require a fair bit of coding in the cardmaker program.

Keep in mind YCMaker (our admin) is here very rarely.


As for the print function, also know that we are not affiliated with Konami in any shape or form.

If you want to print your cards, do it yourself (or have it done at a print shop)


Otherwise, we have some tutorials on how to do it.

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Just keep in mind that implementing Gold Rare / Holographic stuff WILL require a fair bit of coding in the cardmaker program.

Keep in mind YCMaker (our admin) is here very rarely.


No it isnt hard to code in. It was in the original versions of the program until a year or so after I joined. But it was muddy and since it couldnt do anything more than alter the transparency with the holographic overlay, I'd go ahead and say it was removed because of that. Not to mention actual holographic effects require either machining, precision cutting by making a stencil on top of the card itself or printing the image on top of the right kind of foil. Either way that requires a significant amount of IRL effort and dexterity like you could not believe. And money.


That being said just get the measurements for a standard YGO card, slap it in some image editor and scale up/down and then print onto some basic cardstock. Most printers including the dirt cheap ones will be able to handle standard cardstock paper. Do any touch-ups yourself after the fact. (Its like $15 for 1000 sheets). Cheaper for the less durable kind.

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Just as a sidenote, if you really want your cards to be Holographic/Ultimate Rare, you can just photo edit the card yourself to do that.

This is, of course, assuming that you have adequate knowledge on GIMP or Photoshop.


For Gold Rare, it's rather simple to do offline.

Just cut out everything but the borders; recolor it in GIMP so it's golden colored (I honestly forgot what were the specifications used). 


The holo image is up to you though; but probably some holo sheets buried in GFX Tutorials.

Use the Super Rare one if you can find it.



Also, please do not make one-word posts like your last one; that can be considered spam.

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