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Drinking & Sleeping Problems


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Recently my mom found out that I drink a lot at night. I explained that it's to help me sleep at night, but she's worried that it'll destroy my life.


I'm not sure if this is an actual problem, but if I stop, I'll have trouble falling asleep again. I've tried everything from not drinking caffeine in the afternoon to sleep medication, but only alcohol has actually helped.


I guess this can be about both drinking problems and sleeping problems. Has this been done in General before? Two different topics?

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How much do you drink at night? It's certainly not good for your liver, especially if you plan on using alcohol as a long term self issued medication. Alcohol can be addictive, careful with that! It doesn't sound to me like a huge problem, but you are definitely playing on the edge.
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I have trouble falling asleep too, so I understand, but I'd recommend at least trying a non-medicinal approach.  Alcohol does help you sleep, but I'm pretty sure it also lowers the quality of your sleep.


Yeah, I was told it affects the natural cycle of sleep.


How much do you drink at night? It's certainly not good for your liver, especially if you plan on using alcohol as a long term self issued medication. Alcohol can be addictive, careful with that! It doesn't sound to me like a huge problem, but you are definitely playing on the edge.


I'm honestly not sure. I tend to just pour it until I feel like there's enough, which is usually quite a bit. I'd say there's about 8 ounces at the bottom of my cup before I add the soda, and that's usually enough to get me in a drowsy-enough state to actually fall asleep when I decide to lie down. However, I've found myself pouring a second helping occasionally. I've even surprised my parents with how many margaritas I can drink in a social setting.


At least I'm not actually destructive when I drink. I've come to realize that I'm a quiet drunk, so I'm glad I'll never be that angry drunk that comes home and beats his wife. Heck, I don't even dare to come to that level outside of home. As long as I stay away from people and avoid getting behind the wheel in this state, I'm not worried.

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For me drinking is a social thing, the second it stops being social, there's a problem. 


Worst thing you could do to yourself is drink alone, stop that shit, it's terrible for your mental status. 


What exactly do you mean by mental status? As in suicidal problems or just lack of self esteem, etc?

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Do you believe fully in the other things you've tried like do alcohol? If not that is your problem. 

Since you believe drinking helps you sleep, you can trick your body into believing that is the only thing that helps you sleep, and like wise with not believing other things work. 


It's shown alot in medical tests with Placebos and Medications. 

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NEVER Drink Alcohol before you go to sleep. Your body needs time to recover and consuming Alcohol puts strain on your Liver which your body will be working on keeping safe rather then recovery. If you need a good nights sleep, I would suggest a Hot Water Bottle and a good book. Trust me, once you get a few pages in you will want to go to sleep!


Also some soothing music does the trick as well. If your Monitor has a Auto turn off feature set it for about 2 hours and then enjoy the music. Also I hate to sound corny here, think happy thoughts as you close your eyes. A relaxed mind is much more likely to rest then a restless one.

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