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I just had the greatest idea for a Zelda game.


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So basically its set in a more medieval steampunky world with trains, blimps, rifles and such (very much like the order 1886). So you start out as usual, a guy who doesnt know he's the hero meant to save hyrule or anything. Anyway in your starting village you're just any other kid and not exactly outstanding at swordfighting or archery or anything. There's also this a****** kid at your village who is always competing against you and trying to prove he's better than you (much like Mido or Gary from pokemon).


So basically you become old enough and you decide to set out in an adventure through Hyrule and you find out some bad guy is as usual trying to take over Hyrule or w/e, and he must be stopped. However, you dont receive any kind of celestial sign or w/e that tells you you're meant to save hyrule, you just decide that you got what it takes. You get some green robes off of some shady guy in Hyrule town, a sword (called something like the Legendary Sword, this isnt the master sword but it looks very much like it, its supposed to be imitation) and a hylian shield, and you set out on your adventure through all the dungeons and stuff.


So at one point you're told the lore of the game, and youre told that the bad guy will only surrender to the true hero of hyrule and also that only the true hero will be able to wield the master sword. Of course, link believe that he is he decided to take on him. So you get to the final dungeon and stuff, and you go through the last battle and you put up a good fight, but its just not quite enough. Suddenly when the bad guy is about to destroy you, the a****** guy from your village drops from the ceiling or something is radiant shiny green clothes, with a hylian shield in his back and guess what, the true master sword. Turns out you did all the work for him. The bad guy trembles in front of him, he fears him because he knows that he's the true hero. So a cutscene plays where theyre fighting for a while and right when he's about to kill the bad guy he f***s up because he was trying to show off or something, so the bad guy kills him in his moment of pride.


At that moment youre in front of the bad guy and he's just killed the true hero of hyrule, oh no. But guess what, you stand up and go grab the master sword and turns out you can also wield it, the legend was a lie, and you have one final fight against the bad guy and deal the final blow, killing him. You just saved hyrule and you weren't even the 'chosen hero', all of hyrule suddenly shakes its inhabitants feel the darkness and evil draining off of hyrule. Everybody thinks the hero of hyrule did it, and you could take all the credit (that you actually deserve because you went through all the dungeons and opened the final dungeon) and be celebrated as the saviour of hyrule.


BUT, you decide that since youre not the chosen one you cant be recognized as such and you decide to leave hyrule and the master sword behind and travel the world by yourself, now knowing that legends are not always true. The asshole guy is recognized as the hero of hyrule who died fighting against the forces of evil, and you set off to a whole new joruney through lands unknown to hylians. The moral of the story is that true heroes are not chosen, but theyre made through tests of valour and courage.


what do you think? i'd like to hear like more ideas and stuff.

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So basically its set in a more medieval steampunky world with trains, blimps, rifles and such (very much like the order 1886). So you start out as usual, a guy who doesnt know he's the hero meant to save hyrule or anything. Anyway in your starting village you're just any other kid and not exactly outstanding at swordfighting or archery or anything. There's also this a****** kid at your village who is always competing against you and trying to prove he's better than you (much like Mido or Gary from pokemon).


So basically you become old enough and you decide to set out in an adventure through Hyrule and you find out some bad guy is as usual trying to take over Hyrule or w/e, and he must be stopped. However, you dont receive any kind of celestial sign or w/e that tells you you're meant to save hyrule, you just decide that you got what it takes. You get some green robes off of some shady guy in Hyrule town, a sword (called something like the Legendary Sword, this isnt the master sword but it looks very much like it, its supposed to be imitation) and a hylian shield, and you set out on your adventure through all the dungeons and stuff.


So at one point you're told the lore of the game, and youre told that the bad guy will only surrender to the true hero of hyrule and also that only the true hero will be able to wield the master sword. Of course, link believe that he is he decided to take on him. So you get to the final dungeon and stuff, and you go through the last battle and you put up a good fight, but its just not quite enough. Suddenly when the bad guy is about to destroy you, the a****** guy from your village drops from the ceiling or something is radiant shiny green clothes, with a hylian shield in his back and guess what, the true master sword. Turns out you did all the work for him. The bad guy trembles in front of him, he fears him because he knows that he's the true hero. So a cutscene plays where theyre fighting for a while and right when he's about to kill the bad guy he f***s up because he was trying to show off or something, so the bad guy kills him in his moment of pride.


At that moment youre in front of the bad guy and he's just killed the true hero of hyrule, oh no. But guess what, you stand up and go grab the master sword and turns out you can also wield it, the legend was a lie, and you have one final fight against the bad guy and deal the final blow, killing him. You just saved hyrule and you weren't even the 'chosen hero', all of hyrule suddenly shakes its inhabitants feel the darkness and evil draining off of hyrule. Everybody thinks the hero of hyrule did it, and you could take all the credit (that you actually deserve because you went through all the dungeons and opened the final dungeon) and be celebrated as the saviour of hyrule.


BUT, you decide that since youre not the chosen one you cant be recognized as such and you decide to leave hyrule and the master sword behind and travel the world by yourself, now knowing that legends are not always true. The a****** guy is recognized as the hero of hyrule who died fighting against the forces of evil, and you set off to a whole new joruney through lands unknown to hylians. The moral of the story is that true heroes are not chosen, but theyre made through tests of valour and courage.


what do you think? i'd like to hear like more ideas and stuff.

This is just an amazing story idea.

If its OK with you, I might want to use something like this.

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This is just an amazing story idea.

If its OK with you, I might want to use something like this.

sure. you should tell me about it.


It's an interesting story but would it be an interesting game?

i dont see how it would be any different from any other zelda game. i mean, its bascially a plot twist, cause up until the end the game would basically be any other zelda game


Doesn't sound like it would work tbh. 

how so?

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sure. you should tell me about it.


i dont see how it would be any different from any other zelda game. i mean, its bascially a plot twist, cause up until the end the game would basically be any other zelda game


how so?


Well, the steam punk thing has been done to death at this point, and the plot seems like it's just a subversion of the formula for the sake of it.


It might make a fine game, but not necessarily a Zelda game itself.  It could be a Zelda-like game that intentionally subverts the plot as a sort of deconstruction on the genre.  That'd be fun. 

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no offense hypebeast but i needed to do this:


tl;dr version:


So you play as link and groose is there, except everything is steampunk.


It is an overly traditional zelda game except everything is steampunk and you're "not really the hero" which means nothing gameplay wise, it's still the same zelda


You go to the last boss and lose to the last boss and a cutscene happens and groose dies and then you beat the last boss.


There's a cutscene at the end.


You supposedly learned something new.

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Isn't it about time the Zelda universe had cyber-bows?

You're missing the point though. Steampunk or cyberpunk, it's not really Zelda anymore if you're changing it, as Tentacruel said, 'for the sake of it'.




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Perhaps, but "steampunk" is bad and should die.  (and the word is misused 90% of the time anyway)

This is true yes. Or at least take a very, very long hiatus. The idea is good, it's just really fucking overused.

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The idea is... interesting... It's not bad either. That being said, the whole steampunk Zelda theme feels like it's a fan-fiction (which in all fairness it KINDA is). I'm not against Hyrule finally getting a technological advance, but it doesn't seem like steampunk is really the right move for it (that being said hundreds of yeas in the future isn't much better). I guess it's just because I can't really imagine how it would be though.

Also the end f the game feels like it would have happened too late. It doesn't take the time to drive home the point about "heroes not being chosen but choosing". It more or less just tells you it. I've always felt a game that does that kinda misses the point. The player doesn't fully appreciate the meaning if you just tell it to them, they need to figure it out on their own. It would work better if it were to happen in the middle, that way you have a little time to be like "Well the chosen one's dead, what the hell do I do now?" then over time come to the conclusion that there never was any chosen hero. That way you know the message sticks more.

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