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Service Dog killed by San Diego Cop


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[spoiler=Burberry </3]
Ian Anderson, of San Diego, is heartbroken after his 6-year-old service dog, Burberry, was shot and killed by a police officer outside his home in Pacific Beach on Sunday morning.
The beautiful and beloved Pitbull began barking around 5:30 am when the police incorrectly arrived at Anderson’s home for “what appeared to be” a domestic disturbance.  The police had reportedly went to the wrong address.
“For six years Ian Anderson raised his beloved dog, it took just one second for a police man’s bullet to kill him,” NBC reporter Omari Fleming lamented.
The police had knocked on Anderson’s door and when Burberry ran outside, the dog stopped barking as one officer reached down and pet him, Anderson says.
Unfortunately, the other officer on the scene had an extreme reaction to the beautiful grey dog who reportedly worked with children with down syndrome, and began yelling at the animal, demanding that he go inside.  The dog became startled, and the officer drew his weapon and ended Burberry’s happy life.
“[The officer] jumped back, went this way, drew his weapon,” Anderson told NBC. “Boom. Shot right in the head and he was done. He was dead.”
Anderson laid outside grieving for two hours with the body of his pet, and friend, who had helped him through his anxiety while coping with the loss of his father.
“He was the best dog in the entire world, I would do anything to have him back right now, absolutely anything.” Anderson tearfully explained.
The San Diego Police Department issued a statement which noticeably lacked any sort of apology for the grief and pain they have caused.
“The preservation of life is our top priority and this includes the lives of animals. This incident is currently being investigated as any Officer Involved Shooting would be to assure proper procedures were followed. Any further comments prior to the completion of the investigation would simply be premature.”
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Yeah Lets all hate on that man and make him suffer for his mistake! That monster killed a dog lets all kill him!




Reactions like that are so fucked up.


We know all about what the Dog Owner had to say right? 

Do we really know that the "security dog" wasnt actually trying to do his job and "secure" - wich means he was aggressive towards the Officer?
We dont know that.


So saying things like "I wouldve tried to kill that motherfucker" ... dude



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The shooting could have easily been avoided, the cop should have realized that the dog was no danger when it stopped barking. The cop in question should be heavily reprimanded, if not stripped of his position. All the dog was doing was following it's instincts. New people should up where it lived so it tried to get them to back off, when it saw they were no danger it stopped. The cop made a terrible choice which could have been avoided.  This is the problem of carrying live weaponry to things like this. Send in a couple of officers to try and stop it. If that doesn't work get back-up or use non-lethal methods to subdue the offenders. I get that the guns are for protection but there are other methods for that.



Yeah Lets all hate on that man and make him suffer for his mistake! That monster killed a dog lets all kill him!




Reactions like that are so f***ed up.


We know all about what the Dog Owner had to say right? 

Do we really know that the "security dog" wasn't actually trying to do his job and "secure" - which means he was aggressive towards the Officer?
We don't know that.


So saying things like "I would've tried to kill that motherf***er" ... dude

It's things like this which annoy me. The dog was following instincts not being a security dog. It was a basic service dog and worked with people with Down's Syndrome. If all service dogs were security they wouldn't get their job done well, if a guide dog was like that how would the owner be able to do anything with it. Heck if my service dog was like that (which it sort of is as that was part of it's training) it would be put done for anything more than jumping up to he person to create a barrier, and that's only if I'm nearby as well. Until it's said what the dog was trained to do to help people don't say stuff like this. It's stupid and premature.


Anyway my condolences with the owner, as stated it helped him through anxiety and such and helped people with Down's Syndrome. Shame it had to go in such a bad way.

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This story makes me so sad! I totally agree with you guys! There was no reason for the cop to draw his weapon! I understand what the owner is going through. Animals help me relieve my depression! I have two cats, a turtle, an aquarioum, and a dog and all of my animals make me feel happy. And like "Salamence" said, it's cops like him that gives bad names to other cops, and the more people hear about these kind of stories, the more people don't want to trust cops anymore!!! Yeah, justice for that dog! He deserves justice! #justiceforburberry

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