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Awakening - Ritual Beasts (soon to be irl)

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3 Ritual Beast Tamer Elder

2 Ritual Beast Tamer Lara

2 Ritual Beast Tamer Wen

2 Spiritual Beast Apelio

3 Spiritual Beast Kannahawk

1 Spiritual Hawk Pettlefin

3 Spiritual Beast Rampengu



3 Upstart Goblin

3 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Night Beam

2 Spirit Beasts Bond

2 Emergency Teleport

1 Temple of the Kings

1 Gold Sarcophagus

1 Dimensional Fissure



3 Ritual Beast Steeds

3 Ritual Beast Ambush

1 Ring of Destruction

1 Macro Cosmos



3 Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio

3 Ritual Beast Ulti-Kannahawk

2 Ritual Beast Ulti-Pettlefin

1 Number 103: Ragnazero

1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1 Lavalval Chain

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Gagaga Cowboy

`1 Number 85: Crazy Box



3 Mind Crush

3 Book of Eclipse

3 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2 Fairy Wind

2 Breakthrough Skill

1 Book of Moon

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Solemn Warning



Not really sure on my sideboard, so I just played generic stuff I can board into against a variety of decks.

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You should actually run 2 gaiapelio when it comes out for the sane reason you run 2 ulti pettles: Rampengu dumps.

Anyway, glad to see I'm not the only one using temple of the Kings in these. Good choice.

Bond is usually only a 1 of just for when you go for game, so you may consider swapping it for another Lara, and when it comes out, swap that with Pilica. Other than that looking pretty good.

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You should actually run 2 gaiapelio when it comes out for the sane reason you run 2 ulti pettles: Rampengu dumps.

Anyway, glad to see I'm not the only one using temple of the Kings in these. Good choice.

Bond is usually only a 1 of just for when you go for game, so you may consider swapping it for another Lara, and when it comes out, swap that with Pilica. Other than that looking pretty good.


Bond actually gives you a lot of pressure. Attacking with a Beast and a Tamer, Bonding, attacking then untagging and attacking again is a lot of damage. I like the card for that reason, and it gives Ulti-Kannahawk more targets. Also, it allows you to do some silly tricks too, dodge certain cards, and get out of very specific circumstances. That being said, I just like the versatility the card gives, plus I don't really feel there is much better cards to run. Once Pilica comes out, I may consider dropping a copy of Bond to go up to 7 Tamers from 6, but I haven't really had a problem with running out, but having another name is nice. I had also considered playing 1 Wendi just because of it's name and the fact it does actually recycle Pilica if she is destroyed (somehow), but I'm not sure if it's really necessary.

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