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Last Injector & Shade of Injection [Card Discussion]


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I have recently been going through some of my old cards and updating them this is just one set of results. They are basically level modification cards that can disrupt Xyz making plays, but requires monsters with levels, so it can't actually target any xyz monsters. CnC please.
lyz5Rde.jpg[spoiler='Lore']Once per turn, you can target 1 monster on the field to activate 1 of these effects:
*Increase its Level/Rank by 1. Then target 1 other monster: Decrease its Level/Rank by 1.
*Decrease its Level/Rank by 1. Then target 1 other monster: Increase its Level/Rank by 1.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Lore']"Last Injector" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, you can target 1 monster on the field to activate 1 of these effects:
*Increase its Level/Rank by up to 2, and if you do, that monster gains ATK equal to halve its ATK until the End Phase. Then target 1 other monster: You can decrease its Level/Rank by the same amount.
*Decrease its LevelRank by up to 2, and if you do, halve its ATK until the End Phase. Then target 1 other monster: You can increase its Level/Rank by the same amount.[/spoiler]

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The non-tuner monster is simply out classed by aĀ lot of other tuners that can modify levels and even some level modification monsters that are made to do xyz plays. In short it is really underwhelming.

The synchro however doesn't really disrupt the opponent as much as help you and sets you up for your own plays.

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